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11 points
I've been making a Bangkok trip monthly for the last 3 or 4 months for three nights. I just like the hustle and bustle of Bangkok just something about it keeps drawing me back. This afternoon I had to go to true to update my SIM card as they requested. So off to MBK. Every time I come to town I go into Don Don Donki. It is a Japanese themed store that has anything you could imagine meet produce tons of cooked items toys clothing cosmetics medical supplies just everything all imported from Japan. It's a huge place and it's open 24 hours. There are a few items I always get when I go in there but I always like wandering around they've always got something new11 points
So, there I was legging it along the beach getting in my 10k steps, about to stop at Hardrock to take the daily polution pic, when I see 4 teenagers in pink uniforms approaching. Ah, thinks I, it's that day of the year again.... and yes, muggins was interviewed by 4 very polite thai teenagers with the standard schoolbased questionnaire, except this year it was conducted without clipboards and everything was recorded on phones. A new question to me, however, describe why you like Thailand in 3 words... i think my reply was warm, friendly and happy... didnt think horny, sexy and depraved would be good answers!11 points
Just because a girl works in a bar doesn’t mean she is free to be molested. And if I saw it and the girl didn’t like it I would intervene. I remember the time I was in a bar in Soi 2 in Pattaya and a Scandinavian guy was hassling this girl who didn’t like it. I told him if he didn’t leave her alone I’d smash his face in with a beer bottle. He realised I was serious and stayed away from her. I am very protective towards women as I have experienced men abusing them. Like the way my girlfriend Grace who I was with for around 8 years in the 90’s, was treated by the Met Police because she was a mixed race woman driving a nice BMW. They treated her like a drug dealer when she earned £40+ a year working in finance for a bank. One thing I will not tolerate is the abuse of women.10 points
Mum recently spent 17 nights in hospital with the first few nights in ICU. She had Sepsis and her being a stubborn bitch never got the family involved until it was nearly to late. We needed the ambulance and fire brigade to come to her place to get her to hospital. She is home now with nurses coming to her house daily to administer her drugs and check her condition. She wants to go driving again by herself but I have taken her car keys to my place. I don't believe she is anywhere near being able to drive again. I am taking her out shopping today. Mum is 77 years old.9 points
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Joined a gym today and started, it's taken me "only" 16 months in Thailand to get my lazy arse in gear. Paid a year up front cost come out at circa 830 baht pcm . Seems friendly loads of space and equipment. Classes as well that I'll try when I'm a bit fitter. By comparison my local Bangkok Fitness First was coming out at 3500 baht pcm for a similar level of access. Not paying that in the UK let alone Bangkok Small steps to start, 40 minutes gentle cardio, rower, cycle and walking with an incline. Brave new world😉9 points
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If I remember will get a night pic on the power walk tonight...^^^^^^^^ Couple from the other night.....if people were to park bikes at 45 degree angles both sides of the rd this might give it more width for 2 lanes of traffic+ look were the stall person has parked with room in front and behind those bikes...nobody cares a ...k ''Tree Town'' restaurant build...pic taken from..... Beach Rd near ''Twin Palms''..... L K Metro last night....9 points
Really good night. The band were superb, played all the songs we wanted to hear. Good crowd as well. They gave us these flashing foam wands to wave about as we went in. When they played ‘Fix You’ Sally and me hugged each other and had an emotional moment remembering Jan. Real contrast to last week’s Paul Weller tribute band.9 points
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On Monday I applied online for my passport renewal. On Tuesday I posted it at work 24hr signed for. On Wednesday I received a text saying they had received it. On Thursday they texted me to say the new on is with Royal Mail. And today I came home to find it had been put through the letterbox. How’s that for service?. Remember years back when there was a huge backlog and people were waiting months for their new passport. Seems to have upped their game, and I only paid for standard service.8 points
At least 50% less that's the reason we had the one for her free for me promotion for the girls at baby dolls the cost of pouring that second house drink was so affordable for the house that the customer made out by getting a free one in essence which cost us very little and the girl got her full price lady drink and her commission it was a highly profitable promotion.8 points
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Popped into ''Exotic'' (not my snap) to start last night proceedings....69 Baht for most bottles beers service staff quite friendly...sadly the noise from different bars music a problem for me..... View from ''Exotic''... On to ''Tree Town''....view from ''Chill Out'' bar.... ''Candy Club'' about 1.30 am........8 points
A few snaps from last night....D K Beer Bar Town Sai 3,.... As mentioned before that ''Chicago'' bar along the back of ''Tree Town'' has been bought by Indians... what I was told last night the bar ''Big Bell'' in yellow signage on the right is also owned by Indians..... Back of ''Tree Town'' about midnight....Could end up like Southall High Street....lol... The on going restaurant build...red spirit level gone missing... and the name of the bar that's part of the beer depot....taken from ''Chill Out'' bar....8 points
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Just spent 3 nights in Jomtien to get away from Don Mueang. Talk about misconceptions as I thought Jomtien was a small, sleepy type town for retirees. The place is huge and a lot busier than I'd imagined. However, Hemingways was our place for an evening meal for the 3 nights we were there. Good service and good home cooked English comfort food. Been missing that for ages. Pleasantly surprised.8 points
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Yesterday a bunch of us were in a pub near St James's Park in Newcastle for the rugby. My first time in Newcastle & I was very impressed,also met up with an old mate that I knew in Oman that I hadn't seen for 33 years so all in all it was a very good & very liquid day.8 points
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Recently replied to a topic on a Philippines forum where the OP said he had an altercation with a Korean when he put his hand up the skirt of a girl in a bar. It was the Korean's partner. The manager got involved and the OP was spoken to. Shocked the OP thought it OK. Waiting for the replies, because I obviously believed it wrong to do that at anytime, to any girl who is not your company. I will get told, they work in a bar, why not, they are hookers. Maybe, but I just think it wrong. Not everybody in a bar is a working girl. I have taken my wife in bars in Angeles (ex wife) and also Pattaya (wife), because they liked to listen to music and watch the girls. Does that mean guys can put their hands up their skirts. Once in the Rockhouse, there was a party and many guys took their partners. One idiot (who was in a wheelchair) put his hand up my wife's skirt. The wife gave him a slap which annoyed the guy. I didn't see it but somebody did and the guy got a right mouthful from a customer, so much so the guy left the bar. I have also been in bars in Angeles with my older daughter (34) and her girlfriend, they really like the girls and the music. Again, I don't expect guys to see them as targets for wandering hands. Probably would be a wrong move anyway, as my daughter's girlfriend works in Immigration and her father was head of immigration at NAIA. There are places where hands on seems to be the norm but they are usually off the beaten track bars. I wouldn't expect it in clubs I frequent. Still I am waiting for the vitriol to come my way. Some may say I am woke or PC but no, I have felt it inappropriate to touch any girl in passing who is not in your company. I have felt that way ever since I was a teenager. Not sure I am the right fit for that Philippines forum lol8 points
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I agree I have a Thai will that says to have the US embassy turn over my body to my Ex Thai wife and I have instructed her to have a Fast Private roasting. No visitors Just a fast burning she has asked if she can spread the ashes in the ocean and that is fine. I have told my Kids and instructed them to NOT come here to Thailand when i take that dirt Nap whats the purpose ? All my things here will go to my Exwife and her Son. I have some cash it the US that will go to the kids there don't want them wasting money coming here. They understand and are good with it.8 points
Too many people hire bikes with little to no experience of riding. Seen so many people on big sports bikes that you can see are out of their depth. I would hire 600cc sports bikes to go and see my mate in Bangsaray. You have to have your wits about you as Thai driving standards are pretty low. Add an inexperienced rider and your asking for trouble. I have been riding sports bikes since the 80’s so am very experienced and confident in my ability, but when people go on holiday it’s like all common sense goes out the window.8 points
Was in town today looking for a notary public to get a child travel consent form authorised. Popped in to a lawyers first to ask if they knew where a notary public was, but the receptionist said the nearest was Swansea. She asked me why and I told her I was taking my daughter to Prague in half term and I believed it best to have a child travel consent form signed so that I didn't have any problems with immigration etc. The receptionist believed, that as the family name was the same and we had British passports, it would be Ok, but after talking with the lady lawyer, they said European borders could cause a problem if both parents were not traveling. I had created a template and the lawyer said it was fine, she also was happy to say that if I wanted it signed I could come in with the wife (signatory) and they would notarise it for £5. I will pop in next week with the wife.7 points
7 points
On the power walk last night coming down Soi Buakhao,noticed a coach pulling into ''Tree Town''..I remember..I think it was Mr Force mentioning this so I dropped down a gear to follow.. Just caught it turning left... As a little side note .some one mentioned this place earlier in the week...still open to offers..... After the coach and as I thought had gone to the old ''Pattaya Beach Club''..The next snap I've thrown in a few of the ''Fox Bar'' fillies..lol.. Departing the scene now ...I never heard any music and they seemed to go straight into the building..not around the pool...May be changing of the guard at a scam call centre....lol...7 points
7 points
I’m all natural, baby ! I took the beta blocker in the tiniest dose for 9 months, for the tachycardia POTS when I stood up, and she took me off after 9 months. But the 1st couple days were scary, that’s when I PM you and Mike, I honestly believed I was dying that very night. Everything would be calm, then a massive palpitation….rinse and repeat for many hours. Was fucking scary my friend. Then it’s actually a cool feeling, only a person with POTS using a beta blocker can experience , every time I stood up, my heart wanted to speed up, but the pill slowed it down, was like a pleasant little poking in my chest. 6 or 7 days of this, and I had a resting HR of as low as 53 Hate to say it, but the doctors at my shithole local French hospital actually got it right that time. But The Zoloft, f**k the first doctor plus the psychiatrist who recommended it, and my whole goddamn family who insist I MUST LISTEN TO THE PROFESSIONALS- 5 weeks without sleep is something I don’t wish upon anyone, more hellish than being being physically tortured. And everyone said don’t quit cold turkey, I did and I’m the same guy But as I’ve always said, whatever I caught, minus a bit of anxiety, has exited my body. The real Long COVID sufferers are living zombies, that have been in bed since 2020, that sucks7 points
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I just don't do hotdogs, my daughter might like them, but it really isn't a restaurant that that will see my custom. It might be a thing to eat late at night or when at a US sports stadium but the dogs I see on sale in the UK look totally processed with additives and too much salt. Like has been said, I can't see it lasting unless they have an extensive menu of other items.7 points
I probably won't be doing any business with this new place despite it being very very close to me simply because when I inquired they said they don't offer a all beef option. Not a big fan of pork hot dogs. Board member Doug brings me out three or four kilos of the all beef Costco dogs those things are outstanding the trouble is I eat them too damn fast.7 points
This was first visit so too early to form concrete opinions, but 3 Thais gave me a smile/ polite nod in the gym. That's 3 more than the average UK gym!!! The owner is Farang and ex-military. He's very friendly but it's obvious from how well kept the gym he runs a tight ship. No bullshit, no false advertising. Gave me a very fair rate, far cheaper than Jet Fitness. All this and it's 5 minutes walk from my condo. Hopefully I've landed on my feet🤞7 points
Just back to my room early as travel day tomorrow. Had a couple of drinks in a bar where one of my regular girls works. Bill was 700b, 3 x 200b lady drinks for her and a beer for me. I paid with 1000b note and got 700b in change. The cashier gave me the stink eye when my girl told her the change was wrong. This quickly changed to Wais all around when she realised I just save her 400b f**k up. Lol. My girl has gained alot of face because of my honesty.7 points
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7 points