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Back in training.......................lol


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 The last three mornings ( 6:30am !!) Sai had me visit Mae Sot's Municipal sports and football stadium.

Well over 40 years since I last set foot on a running track and with two decidedly dodgy knees running is a non-starter but power walking (my version :default_good:) was okay.

I regularly cycle but very conscious that 15 minutes trolling round Tesco's on foot has become a real chore. Must stop spending so much of my time sitting on my ass.

Track 1.jpg

Track 2.jpg

The facility is much used by the local community and there was a surprising number of people of all ages and abilities using the track so early in the morning.

track 3.jpg

The football pitch is both very large, flat with a really excellent grass playing surface. The best I have seen anywhere in Thailand.

Track 4.jpg 

Track 5.jpg

I can remember somebody posted in the forum that "walking" is the best form of exercise. Another member immediately posted " Walking is not exercise it is just............................."Walking!" Now in principal I might well agree with the second comment but believe you me I have spent so much time just sitting down that power walking just 5 laps on my first day round the outside of that track was exercise!  :default_527:

This morning I did also cycle  back to our house from the stadium as Sai's sister drove the car. :default_biggrin:

Back with Sai tomorrow. Will try for 10 laps but might not make that yet. 

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It was running for the bus to work one morning, and getting out of breath, that actually kick started me going back to the gym. I thought, come on, you have a young daughter, this isn't on.

Now I love it, can't imagine not exercising, get so much out of it, both mentally and physically. 

@Smiler, keep at it with smiler junior!

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I was aching so much this morning it took me 5 minutes to get out of bed! :default_biggrin:

No way I was going to do one lap this morning let alone 10.

Cycled instead into the village in our area of Mae Sot and bought 6 BBQ sticks of pork as a treat for our two Mae Sot dogs.

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Good on you Jambo, cardio is of the utmost importance these days......especially for all of us who are not getting any younger. Always been a "jogger" I don't think Usain Bolt has anyhting to worry about.

Not to be a smart ass but.....for Thailand that track with the cushion foam looks pretty decent. Handling the humidity well huh? 

This is where I jog too and the wifey is a beast these days there, 7 days per week she runs here. High School is 2 blocks from the house, very convient. When I am there, you should see these kids run!  Christ they lap me like they have 4 lungs and the pace they keep is off the chart. 

Keep up the good work. 



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Good on ya mate.  Anything is better than nothing, and the more you do, the easier it gets, so the more you do.

I've tried to stay in the gym since @farangme ordered me into the little Tony's on Soi Buakhao 5 years ago (is it that long already?!).  I suffer from little niggling injuries, and sometimes my work schedule simply will not permit, but I do my best to stay in there and keep working out.

Always forward.

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There are some surprisingly excellent sports facilities in the Thailand provinces which most visitors never see and  are completely unaware.

Sai was on a training course for 3 months in Tak which is some 80 klms from where we are now in Mae Sot. That was a government center for various training programs and included a superb sports training center which was available for the public to use.

Sai has now managed to get her two sisters and her mother up at 6.00 am this morning and out on the track by 6:45. There must have been 50 or so Thai's ( and me) of all ages and abilities walking, jogging or running this morning. I would not mind betting I was the oldest. :default_biggrin:

I cycled there and back and did some laps power walking whilst Sai and her sisters and a friend jogged round. What I did not notice on previous visits was that there is a track round the outside just for cyclists. So I made use of that as well. 

I ached like mad when I got up this morning but as I sit here now all the aches and pains have disappeared so I know it is doing me good.

I watched several real athletes knocking out repetitive lap after lap round the track. Two of them were girls who had no trouble running with the guys and had a effortless economic style.  If I had been 30 years younger I would have been right there with them.

Mai pen rai. 😀

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