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Well done. FM 103 and Tommy Dee


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7 hours ago, misteregg said:

I’ve been to help and can confirm Tommy is working so hard. Well done mate.


1 minute ago, tommy dee said:

wont be tomorrow but you will 555. we ordered extra heavy sacks for egg day

Well done, both! 🙂

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5 hours ago, tommy dee said:

wont be tomorrow but you will 555. we ordered extra heavy sacks for egg day

We need some commemorative lockdown 2020 FM 103 t-shirts when this is all over .......  raise even more for noble causes.

Tommy always done a good line in  t-shirts for kids charities and Christmas  back in the day.........:default_cheers:

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5 hours ago, Britboy said:

Well done guys, it's great to raise money to be able to feed those who are struggling, especially during this awful period with the virus.

Congrats to all involved.

(I've already posted this in the "Donations Welcome" thread. Maybe the threads should be merged.)

Tommy makes some comments in this video (2 minute mark onwards) which are both sad and maddening.


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Great effort, gents.

I tried to get the committee in our village to organise a food handout. The girls in the office like charitable stuff so it would only have been a case of getting them interested and allowing them to send a letter to every house asking people to drop off food donations or money at the office. The lazy sods on the committee decided it was too much work and refused. I was going to take it up with the girls in the office myself, and bugger the committee, but then the authorities announced that you  had to inform the police abut any such event and get permission to hold it, and things became much more complicated so I dropped it.

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6 hours ago, Bazle said:

(I've already posted this in the "Donations Welcome" thread. Maybe the threads should be merged.)

Tommy makes some comments in this video (2 minute mark onwards) which are both sad and maddening.



Thanks for posting that Bazle, it's a moving clip and must be very frustrating not to get Thai coverage of such a worthy cause. You can just see the gratitude in the Thai people receiving the bags.

If I'd still been in Patts I'd have donated and also come to help pack and distribute.

Is there still a way to donate? Be happy to send some money from here if there's a Paypal or bank account to send to.

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1 minute ago, Britboy said:

Thanks for posting that Bazle, it's a moving clip and must be very frustrating not to get Thai coverage of such a worthy cause. You can just see the gratitude in the Thai people receiving the bags.

If I'd still been in Patts I'd have donated and also come to help pack and distribute.

Is there still a way to donate? Be happy to send some money from here if there's a Paypal or bank account to send to.


At 975k at present.

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2 hours ago, Britboy said:

Thanks for posting that Bazle, it's a moving clip and must be very frustrating not to get Thai coverage of such a worthy cause. You can just see the gratitude in the Thai people receiving the bags.

If I'd still been in Patts I'd have donated and also come to help pack and distribute.

Is there still a way to donate? Be happy to send some money from here if there's a Paypal or bank account to send to.

cheers for that.  paypal is [email protected]  and the appeal page is gogetfunding.com then search for fabulous 103.  the paypal way saves us money  thanks again   T

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2 hours ago, Lemondropkid said:

yes and all but about 50K spent and handed out.  its amazing how quick this food goes out and is then given to the unemployed.  all the people send us pics to show what they do and they really bust a gut.  we fed a 1000 people line at the studio this morning.  Poor Mr. Egg nearly passed out, so hot and we worked like dogs.  then think of the people outside in the heat since 6, foa 9 am handout

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