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I'm following a thread on another, unrelated forum which mentions that this whole covid / Furlough / lockdown / printing money will eventually need to be paid for. It's fine printing money, but that had a direct effect upon inflation and prices.

In the UK we're looking at potentially each family being roughly £1200 per year worse off, with no real rise in wages to compensate.

Gas and Electric are potentially going to double in cost. Wet fuel (petrol / oil) are going up. The local BP is £1.49 for a litre of Unleaded 95 E10 RON. Tesco is £1.45. Council tax in some areas can increase by up to 6%, with 3% being the govt cap but another 3% allowed under certain circumstances (to pay for social care being one of them, which is needed).

Food is going up, National Insurance set to increase. Interest rates will increase.

I know of a guy at work who's currently paying £800 pcm on a PCP deal for 2 cars, matching BMW's. That's on top of a £700 mortgage. In the age of cheap money, easy finance and a half decent wage, that's fine. However, when things begin to eat into the small amount of disposable income people have, it gets slightly more sinister.

For some people really on the breadline (and I know some who are), that extra £100 per month they may have to pay out, or lose the spending value of in real terms, can mean the difference in turning the heating on and eating a decent meal. I've read examples of single mothers literally budgeting down to the last few pence in order to keep themselves and their kids fed, clothed and watered. This simply should not be happening in 21st Century Britain.

The biggest problem is, it is going to get worse. Inflation is predicted to hit double figures next year (if you believe the Daily Mail), and at 6% at the moment, that's not really far off. Definitely the wrong side of 5% anyway.

Some of this is due to the Govt and their green agenda. Green levies on our energy bills, the refusal to accept nuclear power as a clean alternative (very low Co2 emissions from the process, just that pesky nuclear waste which we could technically fire off into space from whence it came if we wanted to, just ask Elon Musk, if he can send a car, he can send used plutonium). Other things, such as pressure from the public sector to remain on furlough , get back into work you fucking lazy council wankers. Same goes for left wing devolved nations looking to score political points rather than look after local businesses.

I really think there is a bad moon on the rise.

Happy New Year everyone!!


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