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Rompho Ray

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Posts posted by Rompho Ray

  1. 8 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    However, properly used by trained people, they are effective? 

    Apparently.  To what degree and for how long I'm not sure.  I'm simply confident that the jimoke alone in a sealed car wearing an N95 pulled down under his nose is probably not qualified.

    8 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    I wonder what level of training is needed to wear these masks, that a non professional would need. 


    8 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    I would imagine that a basic set of instructions would be adequate to those of us who can read  

    ...and were willing to go through the time, expense and aggravation to wear them correctly every single time, probably.  For a while.

  2. 1 minute ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Sorry, I didn't realise it was meant to be funny. I must have no sense of humour  🙂 or a Glandular deficit 

    Or you prefer to get wound up rather than chatting about this in a relaxed manner. 

    I realize that it's not easy to be confronted with new information about things we thought we knew about, but we can minimize that by staying informed, which especially includes looking beyond governments and the LMSM, which the "Twitter files" show are increasingly intertwined, for information.  It also involves making sure that we're not only seeking to confirm our priors, rather than honestly seeking information.  (BTW, I take it you've heard about the "Twitter files"?)

    As I said earlier, I got the Janssen vaccine, because I previously believed it worked.  It took a lot of statistical data, and later scientific data, to change my mind.  I still believe in e.g. the polio vaccine, etc.  The BSF "vaccines" though no, I've seen enough.

  3. Just now, Nightcrawler said:

    Google can be a friend for whatever one choses to beleive and find something that qualifies their belief.

    As I said.

    1 minute ago, Nightcrawler said:

    So N95 masks can work if properly fitted?

    ...and always used exactly as directed by the manufacturer.  That includes duration of wear, no touching of the mask, not repeatedly taking it off and on, and ESPECIALLY without facial hair or anything else that would violate the integrity of the seal.

    So, for normal, untrained and unqualified people in normal circumstances, practially speaking, no.

  4. 1 minute ago, Nightcrawler said:

    What is the difference between "bat soup flu" and Covid 19 virus? Or is that the scientific name for C19? 😁

    The "Bat Soup Flu" is what COVID 19 is called by people who don't need a sense of humor gland implant.  :default_gathering:

  5. 18 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    So, there is training required to wear a mask, which as you say is ineffective in blocking C19 virions? ...etc.

    Yes and yes.  

    There are three main types of masks:  Cloth masks, paper surgical masks, and N95-style respirators.

    Cloth masks are almost totally ineffective no matter how they're worn due to the pore sizes involved.  They have been dismissed as little more than "facial decorations".


    Paper surgical masks are ineffective because of the size of the pores, and also because they don't seal around the mouth and nose effectively.

    N95 masks can block BSF virus particles, but only if they're fitted correctly, and worn exactly in accordance with the manufacturer's directions, including for length of time, and taking the recommended handling precautions.  We both know very well that the average person is not familiar with the correct use of N95 respirators, and would almost definitely violate their protective integrity rapidly.

    So, for different, practical reasons respectively, each type of mask doesn't work.  So, masks don't work.  QED

    18 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    It doesn't make sense  

    Hopefully it does now.  If not, google is your friend, but only if you use it to investigate my statements, rather than to try to confirm your priors.

  6. 41 minutes ago, fygjam said:

    Interestingly Cochrane Reviews, the source that said masks don't work, also said the vaccines including the mRNA vaccines do work.

    That depends on your definition of a vaccine "working".  

    Up until the Bat Soup Flu dem-panic ...err, pandemic, a vaccine was defined thus:


    Immunization: The process by which a person or animal becomes protected against a disease. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

    Vaccination: Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease.

    That is clearly not what was said in your quotation.  The Bat Soup Flu "vaccines" don't prevent infection or spread, so they don't work by definition of a vaccine "working".

    It also doesn't help that the people in charge of promoting the "vaccines" during the dem-panic later admitted that they knew the vaccines didn't work, by that definition.


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  7. 35 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    So, that being the case, why do theatre staff performing surgical procedures in hospitals wear masks?

    You answered your own question:  One thing has nothing to do with the other.

    35 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Now, if masks are useless on preventing airbourne bacteria,germs and viruses etc, then why are masks worn in just about every surgical procedure carried out in tbe world?

    You answered that question yourself.  

    35 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    ...it is to.prevent infection of the patient, just as sterilised surgical cloves (sic) are also worn. 

    I'll grant you that if you're sitting in a waiting room, and next to you is a table with a person on it who has been slit from neck to groin, it probably wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to wear a mask.  I personally would leave instead but hey, each to his own.

    35 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Or is it just the Covid virus that renders them useless? 

    No, what makes them useless is the relative size of the pores in the masks vs. the size of the virus particles.  Coronavirus virions are about the same size as smoke particles.  Trying to block them with a paper mask is like trying to keep mosquitos out of your house with a chain-link fence. 


    Also, it's well known that untrained people don't fit  masks correctly, don't change them when they should be changed, touch the surface of the mask, reuse them inappropriately etc.  All of these things negate the effect of the masks, including N95 respirators.

  8. 3 hours ago, Painter said:

    Mine had relaxed the mask wearing, but has now started to ask patients to wear them again.

    Here's some information to consider on the subject of wearing masks to prevent spreading or catching the Bat Soup Flu (and other respiratory viruses for that matter; click through for sources of scientific and epidemiological data):  


    TL;DR:  They don't work.  

    In prior respiratory pandemics, the US CDC specifically recommended AGAINST mask wearing except in very specific circumstances, none of which included doctors' waiting rooms.  I wonder why they changed their minds?

    Example:  https://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/masks.htm#table1

    This is not to say that anyone should cause a ruckus by refusing to wear a mask if it's required to go somewhere you want or need to go.  It's also not to say that people shouldn't wear masks if it makes them more comfortable.  It's just good to have an idea about the state of understanding about mask wearing, so we can make informed decisions, and understand why mask wearing is being demanded in various situations.

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