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Posts posted by farangme

  1. 5 hours ago, roobob said:

    I am sure you are not alone on what you have done.... many have ...including myself..... but my comment that you quoted I will stand by.

    To repeat it..... "As said.... no one denies there is a pandemic,..... but the reaction to this one is the biggest overkill in the history of the world."

    The main reason the economies of the world took the latest hit it has...some say the worst since the Great Depression..... is because of the inept handling and fear mongering instituted by the Govts world wide in the handling of this pandemic.

    As said … the biggest overkill in the history of the world …… and now many of the general populace can see it and are now starting to ask the hard questions of …..why??  


    It would appear that way, but that's what they want it to look like, worse case scenario for them.

    Reading today's news, the inevitable massive tax, fuel and VAT hikes coming, now the pension changes that will see increases in pension age, frozen pension rate etc. The basic UK State pension is a pittance at £124 a week, that ensures you a life of utter poverty and misery until you die.

    And another headline, the NHS will take months to restart!! Restart, the nurses have got NOTHING to do. 75% of cancer and vital treatments, ops cancelled. I don't need to tell anyone what the outcome of this shall be.

    I'd say their plan is nicely on track, to reign in the population, make them more obedient and massively increase the cost of living.

    When all this has been paid back you won't see any reductions in the new cutbacks and taxes. This is a WIN WIN for them. 

    • Like 4
  2. 7 hours ago, dcfc2007 said:

    I said *decent people*.

    Middle class faggot lefties will be happy sitting at home being offended at everything.

    You've just offended a few members and mod on here😆😆

    • Like 1
  3. 50 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Of course. You absolutely right

    The Corona virus C19 does not exist. Nobody has it, no one has died from it and it's all a global conspiracy by the most wealthy and of course the Illuminati to control society and gain from the economic fallout across the the globe 😁😁😁

    The virus exists, as does many viruses, but it's no deadlier than others.

    The economic fallout is planned.

    Anyhow, not interested going over this all the time. Everyone can have their opinions.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  4. 56 minutes ago, Spacedog said:

    Slowly but surely the penny is dropping here in the UK. 1st quarter economy shrinks by 2%. Bearing in mind the lockdown started right at the end of The quarter. The second quarters results are going to be the worst in living memory. Millions of people are currently furloughed   and are being paid 80% of salary up to GBP2500, which has extended till the end of Oct. Some people are becoming increasingly comfortable with this seeing it as a long break. Wait till they are asked to return to work, that is if their job is still there. By extending the furlough scheme with no realistic plan of how to return back to normal, struggling businesses will extend the furlough until the last possible moment before closing. Why not let the government pay your salary bill, defer delivering the horrible message of redundancy till the very last moment. With the economy expected to shrink between 15-20% what percentage of the workforce are going to end up redundant?

    Some companies have already announced job cuts BA, Virgin, and Rolls Royce are just a few, how many more to follow? Kids are not being educated and the unions are flexing their muscles telling teachers not to return to work unless safety is guaranteed. Bearing in mind that the young are the the least likely to be affected by the virus. Thousands of apprentice schemes have been cancelled leaving thousands of teenagers  in limbo. There are and will not be any new jobs available any time soon for this generation.

    On the news this morning. Finally someone had the balls to spell out that we are going to be paying this back for years and years to come. Increasing income tax, VAT, national insurance higher duty on petrol and alcohol. As a country we only just finished paying the debt of for WW2, Gordon Brown sold the gold reserves in 2006.

    It seems to me ironic that the group of people most vulnerable to this virus (the elderly/retired) are the ones best positioned to emerge from this crisis unscathed financially. Many are mortgage free, drawing on private pensions, good luck to them they deserve it. After all that is the position we all would like to be in come the end of our working lives. Sadly for the young and people with young families they are going to bear the brunt of this for a very long time yet. People can forget about holidays in the sun, weekend breaks away, disposable income will be at a premium.

    The way I see it is the politicians were too quick to put us in lockdown. There is no credible plan to ease us out of lockdown back to normality. They keep on spouting crap like social distancing, wearing masks not mixing outside of the household. On one hand grandparents cant visit their grandkids or children, they can go out and play tennis or have a game of golf if they want. Private cleaners are now allowed into peoples homes along with estate agents and people who want to view your house. The left hand don’t know what the right hand is doing. The Government has created a complete clusterf**k, they will be dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t. They have dug themselves a massive hole with no idea how to get out. 

    I do believe in order to move this forward and restore our everyday freedoms and return to normality. The government should be focusing on the elderly and vulnerable who are most likely to be affected by the virus, keeping them safe and secure. The lockdown should be revoked immediately travel restrictions lifted and let the virus blow itself out. They should have stuck to the original plan of herd immunity before that twat Ferguson got involved.





    Agree completely.

  5. Lambs liver, onion and mash.

    Cooked the way i like it, in a high pressure wok burner. Liver and onions cooked on a 200,000 btu burner with oyster sauce and maggi seasoning. Gravy in at the end.

    Amazing smokey flavour, tender liver. The liver blanched in boiling water for 1 minute before cooking in the wok.


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  6. 3 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    All the better and it's possible. But not at £195 a throw. But if they roll them out even better. If they have machines like blood test ones then they just need a slide for the specimen they only cost pennies. So it would be possible to test quickly on a mass scale taking a few seconds. But of course they would need to be 100% accurate could also help passenger confidence and of cause airline staff. I think I will write to the PM tomorrow 😊

    I've no idea how much but certainly available. I believe in Thailand they are 400 Baht.

  7. 7 hours ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Just daydreaming over a cup of coffee having slept in till 11am

    Its a pity that there are no instant testing kits widely available a bit like instant tests for blood coagulation that they do at hospitals. 

    A great scenario would be to arrive an hour earlier at an airport, get swabbed and tested.  Those who show to be negative are given a pass card stapled to passport. Those who show positive for C19 are not allowed to board. Then seating capacity could resume as normal. 

    At the destination you pass card has to be shown at immigration confirming that you are not carrying the virus

    Of course its a pipe dream but it would solve a lot of problems getting back to flying to Thailand 

    I can't see flights and immigration at BKk getting anywhere back to normal despite airlines starting back up in July 


    There are. The online clinics now selling instant testing kits.

  8. 1 minute ago, code_slayer_bkk said:

    The only truth a person has is their own .... that is a pretty east answer ...

    You believe in what you believe considering all of the input you want to consider or believe

    No ... I am not a billionaire, economist ( even though my undergraduate was in Economics from NYU), a politician, etc.  ... I am only me and I believe what I believe ...


    Yup, my answer too. I evaluate, I look around me I speak to people with different opinions. I totally disregard the MSM because of their lies and scare tactics.

    I can see what's happening, the false inflated counts the tag everything as a Covid death. No need to be a conspiracy nut to look at all this with a furled brow.

  9. 51 minutes ago, roobob said:

    Understand what you say about heart disease ...yes maybe not contagious but it is hereditary.

    My point is that the world has come to a standstill for Covid 19 but we have had other pandemics.... other diseases that claim way more lives than the current one.... they have been mentioned.... but we have never had a reaction like this one. If there is a Covid 20 you can bet your bottom dollar that the reaction will be worse.... we will end up going back to the stone age.... living in isolation is caves.....555.

    You mention the war.... yes there were hardships, heartbreaks, injuries and death..... but the restrictions being put on the population now is far more worse than when that occurred. In war years you could go to a restaurant...a bar... dancing...a pub...cinema..etc..etc.

    Also that is another line that the authorities seem to spin...we are at war.... garbage ...we are not at war.....we fronted with a disease that starts off with the same systems as the flu and is spread the same way. The big worry here.... will all the restrictions that have been put in place now..... will all of them be rescinded.... I reckon that will be a ...No.

    Yes be vigilant....as said other diseases have had more impact than covid 19 but the world did not over react and shut done. Actually I reckon that some scientist are treating this as like the "new" climate change.... a whole industry was created by them for that and now they have latched onto Covid 19 to start another one.

    With all these so called experts in the scientific and medical fields... it makes you wonder why they have not made any type of break through as yet.... if I was a cynical bloke...I would reckon they want to drag it out for their own financial gains..... but hey...that is only my opinion.


    I think you are correct, not cynical.

    The only War we are at is the War of truth, we are being fed a daily dose of terror and lies.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  10. 12 minutes ago, fforest said:

    Well here is a perfect example of the madness...

    Funerals are severely restricted or canceled.....Same goes for weddings...

    Churches are to dangerous to leave open


    Walmarts and

    liquor stores  and

    Pot shops can remain open






    And the more they buy into it, the more control they have.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, roobob said:


    Will all have the vaccine when one is found for Covid 19??

    Will by some miracle someone will wave a magic wand and the world population will be vaccinated.??. 

    There is a vaccine for measles but people are still dying from them.... same as TB.

    There is more dying of heart disease every day... has been known for years.... but did the world stop until a vaccine was found?



    Well said.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 8 hours ago, lazarus said:

    Wow...must've had a lot of 'sloppy seconds'...huh?


    Everyone gets sloppy seconds in Thailand. Usually from the Thai boyfriend they are certain tilac doesn't have👍😂😂

    • Haha 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Thai Spice said:

    Hahaha, I saw that....  Worst is that some will think this is a great idea....

    Hopefully somebody will bug the bloody thing and send it walking in the lake.  



    Imagine that in London or Glasgow, stolen, burnt or stabbed their first day out.

    • Like 1
  14. 43 minutes ago, Stillearly said:

    Thought the PMs statement tonight was as clear as mud ... if you can work from home then stay at home , if you can't then go to work tomorrow.. but don't use public transport , unless you don't have a bike ...and be alert ...unless you are Scottish ..then stay home 


    As I always do, to Hell with that work lark👍😂

  15. 6 minutes ago, dcfc2007 said:

    It's already gas cookered mated. There is an ill-fated belief that once the lockdown is over everything will just take off again. You can't just crash the world economy for 2-3 months and not expect there to be any long term implications.

    Yup. The lockdown started 23rd March it looks like it will continue up here until June at some point, and even then, past Xmas into 2021 until pubs, restaurants, gyms etc open. Even then if the 2 metre rule applies, there's no point of them EVER opening again.

    Most places are packed out only at weekends, trade poor week days. We are looking at the total annihilation  of  the UK leisure industry. Millions of job losses.

    And the Nation has been so frightened that it might take Months or years for many to want to go out again.

    We could be looking at the total annihilation of the UK travel industry too.

    By f**k, what a mess this Government has created.


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  16. 12 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:


    No, I don't think any number of deaths is acceptable. Seasonal flu kills tens of 1000s every year in the UK, as does other viruses and illnesses.

    It's also NOT acceptable that life saving treatments have been reduced by 75% in the NHS.

    I understand you're not well at the moment and I'm sorry to hear that. People going through treatments that weaken their bodies will of course have to isolate. The immune system will be shot, any type of flu, Covid etc could finish them. I totally get that but what I don't get is destroying the economy, and stopping life saving treatments on the NHS because of this.

    Without a strong economy and business, the money to run the NHS will soon dry up. This is our money they are playing with, not theirs. 

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