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Posts posted by farangme

  1. 1 hour ago, code_slayer_bkk said:

    Britain’s Supreme Court has thrown the country’s deportation policies into chaos by ruling that a foreign criminal cannot be deported to a country with poorer free healthcare than the United Kingdom.

    Wow .. what f**king idiots !

    Yup, what's running this Country are truly imbeciles. 

  2. 1 minute ago, dcfc2007 said:

    Of course we can comment. Nobody is all seeing and knowing. We all have the ability to evaluate the evidence and make our own conclusions. The problem is we took onboard the so called experts without questioning.

    Prof Ferguson has a history of massively over estimating the impact of public health concerns. This is the same 'expert' that said there would be millions of swine flu deaths. He has got it spectacularly wrong every single time.

    His taste in Women is quite good though, bet She takes it up the Gary Glitter. He is/was on Gov payroll, He'll say anything they want him to say. 

    I can't wait until the economy here is truly fried. I want to see massive job losses and some of these people suffer.

    My friend called me today, He can't even visit His daughter because neighbours put photos on facebook and call the Cops. The majority of these people are idiots living in this Country. Snitches should get stitches. Feel sorry for the sensible ones but British are too sheep like, wont question, just obey.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, dcfc2007 said:

    Exactly like that.

    Not so quick to highlight the following...


    Medical professionals recognized early in the global pandemic that children generally appeared to be less susceptible to falling ill from the new bug, with fewer confirmed cases, hospital admissions, serious complications or deaths than their parents or grandparents.

    Only 1.7% of nearly 150,000 infections were found in people under 18 years of age, according to a nationwide analysis of U.S. data published this month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



    There was a professor on radio 5 two days ago and what He said I agree with. The Government and media has intentionally frightened the life out of the British public. They did this so they would be easier to control and lock down. And now they don't know how to un-frighten them and get out of this.

    This is what He said. Unusual for the BBC to allow this opinion but slowly and surely the Nation will come awake to this.

    No social distancing by me yesterday. Shook hands with the young lads in the Mosque that sold me 20 bags of plaster. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Of course they rise but not anywhere in the same proportion as the Covid 19 epidemic has spread. 

    You say that the "only people You can see" etc... 

    I really don't think any of us are qualified to make such a statement as we are not all seeing and all knowing, even if some may think they are. 

    Everyone wants to get back to work and back to normality but that has to depend on when it's safe. You can't just categorise people's opinions by their political or social class. 

    I am not a Boris fan but I think that he has handled the situation quite well thus far.  Of course mistakes have been made as they have in other countries but we are dealing with the biggest threat to our nation since WW2. 

    Biggest threat to our nation? Have you seen England recently?

    Boris was put out to graze in case He fluffed His well rehearsed lines. He's an idiot.

    Nobody is qualified. Let's believe the Government and covid isn't a high consequence infectious disease. Here it is in black and white.


    As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

    The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

    The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID

  5. 2 hours ago, dcfc2007 said:

    Ahhhhh the media sensationalising the extremely rare cases of young people dying of Covid19. It's amazing how well this tactic has worked.

    Like this you mean Brenden... From the BBC and MSM. 

    The scam continues...




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  6. 1 minute ago, Lemondropkid said:

    OK thanks for the honest response and the clarity, so 22nd April 120 deaths from COVID 19 across Ayrshire and Arran. So 120 deaths in a large area, versus 2,300 in much smaller one

    If we are being honest here, it's no surprise that your local hospital is not under stress and mine is under severe stress.

    Just because there have been minimal cases where you are, does not make this virus a scam. I can totally understand how given the small impact you are not worried, but please don't call this a scam as that's just insulting ordinary working people who've died from this -whether directly or indirectly.

    And on care homes from your screenshot. A pal of mine's Auntie is in one 15 minutes walk from me, before any care home deaths were being measures they had an outbreak there. 22 residents died, TWENTY TWO.

    None of them would have been registered as COVID 19. We can all swap anecdotes but really it's a bit tasteless isn't it.

    We will have a better national idea of how bad this has been when see what the rate of excess mortality.

    I really want to see the economy and life get going, but I'm curious and trying to get at your viewpoint.

    When you say "They are using a virus to burst the economy, wow what a good job they are doing." Who is the "they" you are talking about and what's the upside they are getting and of screwing the economy- and we can all agree the economy has been screwed.

    So who is "They" in the UK?


    Ok, let me make this clear and what I mean.

    Covid 19 is real, it's out there. It's another virus to add to the list of infectious viruses that help kill ill and old every year.

    The scam is the government, media have terrified the Nation and blew this way out of proportion. 

    The Southern general (queen Elizabeth) and Royal are in Glasgow. The nurse I know from the Southern has taken a long holiday.

    In my opinion, the government has been ill advised by media and scientists. Scientists who work and take money from the likes of Bill gates.

    Banks, global businesses and governments want to reset the economy. And our government are in their pockets.

    What's to be gained from doing this.

    . New police powers and tracking laws.

    . A cashless society.

    . Generate a massive pool of manpower because of unemployment.

    . Increase in tax, vat.

    . Increase pension age.

    . Wage and benefit freezes.

    . Climate change by reducing travel.

    . Increase in mortgage, credit card loans interest rates etc.

    Win win for the money movers.



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  7. 6 minutes ago, dcfc2007 said:

    So we are told that if we lift the lockdown in the UK that there will be 100,000k deaths. This is from the same people that told us there would be 600,000 deaths already, these people are utterly discredited. The number of deaths and infections was grossly overestimated.

    Understatement mate. The damage to the economy will take years to repair.

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, fygjam said:

    A screenshot of a screenshot of a social media post.

    Pretty damn compelling.



    It's fact. Scottish government admit that every death they suspect it might be covid related, registers as Covid 19. Now, suspects and definitely are two different beasts. 

    This is how the UK gather their figures. The UK government don't regard this as a high consequence infectious disease. 



  9. 4 minutes ago, Lemondropkid said:

    I live close to the Boundary of 2 London boroughs, 30 minute stroll across the 2 of them to get my shopping yesterday.

    As of 5 days ago, 2309 people had died combined in my 2 boroughs. That's not something that is a "scam" or I making up. I've got several family members working in the NHS and friends working in local hospitals, the picture they are painting is very different to one you are seeing.

    Maybe that reflects this isn't an issue where you are living- how many have died around you?


    Died of what? With covid or of covid?

    There is a huge difference.

    The nurses I mention work in Crosshouse, Southern general and Royal. One's took a holiday because her ward is empty.

    People die every day from various viruses. Nearly every death is now registered as covid 19. 

    They are using a virus to burst the economy, wow what a good job they are doing.


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  10. 21 minutes ago, fatbhoytim said:

    I have just found out that a friend of mine took his own life on Friday night. He has had depression issues in the past, but always managed to pull through. Speaking to him a couple of weeks ago he told me he was pissed off cooped up indoors 23 hours a day and all he was doing was getting drunk at home.

    Any death is tragic, but people should open their eyes and realise there is more  to this shite than people dying in hospital. If my friend was allowed a semi-normal semblence of life, he would still be living. Lockdown is killing more than just covid 19 patients.

    Very sorry to hear this and yes, it's killing and WILL KILL countless thousands that Covid didn't.

    Apparently 75% of all critical and life saving treatments have been postponed by the NHS. But let's clap.

    3 nurses in my family and none of their hospitals busy.

    This shit is an overblown scam.

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  11. I was at a Glasgow mosque today, no social distancing, the young Muslim lads working in it sold me 20 bags of multifinish plaster.  Can't buy it anywhere, I'm so happy I'm almost converting. 

    Thank you Allah you have given me what b&q couldn't.

    I'll be back in saying prayers if they can sell me plasterboard.

    • Haha 4
  12. 10 hours ago, dcfc2007 said:

    Apparently boris is going to relax some measures beginning Monday. I have noticed more people, more cars and more small shops and takeaways opening with every passing day. People have had their fill and they want to get back to work.

    Not up here mate.

  13. 12 hours ago, galenkia said:

    UK to start easing restrictions from Monday. 

    So things should start to get better. 

    Not up here, the poison dwarf is determined to keep this going... forever.

  14. 10 hours ago, JDM said:

    Personally, I don't give a fxxk what is posted here I for one am looking forward to again going to Mr Eggs bar and drinking an ice cold pint of cider in good company.



    Good stuff. You were the first to come in and welcome us when we got there. Nice gesture, expats like yourself should be able to help keep the good bars going when all this craziness ends.

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