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Posts posted by john1000

  1. 14 minutes ago, Nightcrawler said:

    Just received a prompt to get free upgrade from Win 10 to new Win11.

    Any computer buffs out there who can explain in plain English what advantages it gives and does it eat up more memory. I am a worried, because I run a lot of recording software and Apps currently using Win 10 and whether they will be affected by upgrade. Will I have to reinstall current programs and Apps etc? 

    Nothing urgent as it's only just been released 

    Windows 11 known issues and notifications | Microsoft Docs


    May help. But waiting a few months maybe prudent always bugs with new software and fixes do come along quite rapidly.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Lemondropkid said:

    Yes for me.

    COVID has made me more aware of the importance of looking after my mental health. The trick will be to keep that going over winter, and force myself outdoors however bad the weather is.

    Went out for a 5 mile run yesterday morning in the absolute p******g rain. More to start building up my mental resilience again ahead of winter to not use the weather as excuse and end up indoors all day becoming increasingly miserable.

    The run was horrible. A flashback to the cross country runs we were made to do in winter at school when the football pitches were flooded.

    Felt great afterwards though😀

    Upped my exercise after getting Diabetes 2. Lost weight and feel generally good. Found in groups you are pushed outside your comfort zone which is good.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Krapow said:

    Whilst i agree it's healthy for a forum to have wide and varied views, and personally i have no problem with the posts, equally, posters are allowed to give their views in response. 

    That's the way it works, them's the rules ...

    Giving personal views on a topic yes, but attacking those for having those views was really the point I was making. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Rambone said:

    I was having big problems about 15 years ago, mostly with eyes and constant thirst, I was able to mostly fix things by switching from sugary soda to diet soda.  Now my A1C is creeping back up with me getting older.  It's climbed up to about 8 after hovering around 6 for years, they are taking about putting me on some more expensive drugs ($75/ month with insurance) to lower it.  I'm due to a physical soon, having missed last year's due to covid where I will consider them again.  I'm taking Glipizide now.

    Same issue. I think hidden sugar in so many foods is a real issue. I have been given metformin, which manages sugar and enables weight loss. Should help.

  5. 12 hours ago, Butch said:

    That sucks on a level of crap that is hard to beat. Retox on Honey going down is really bad news, and I think I mentioned it here or maybe elsewhere, when venues as well managed at Retox etc begin to falter, then things really are looking grim. If similar venues follow then Pattaya is going to be in trouble.

    I think recovery will be hard given the number of business owners who have bailed out.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Butch said:


    From the local trust perspective, admissions have increased over the last 4 days , very possibly as a knock on from the Easter Weekend and beyond. The demographic itself has also altered slightly, that being the trend is downward in age from previous data, which is (and I agree with you) indicative of possibly a temporary increase due to reduced restrictions. Numbers are significantly lower than just before Xmas, but when the data is compared on top of the Data from November,  it appears to be following a similar pattern / trend, albeit stretched out over a longer period.

    Regarding the criteria for admissions, as far as I know it remains the same, consistency is one thing the NHS does well 🙂 . The "bed" situation has up until now, been relatively good, the pressure eased as numbers have decreased exponentially, however, within the last week or so, certainly on a local level, bed capacity is less due to increased admissions and as such in a few trusts, a second C-19 ward has been put into operational use with another 2 on standby, at the time of writing elective procedures continue and things are running "normally".

    There were measures put in place to cope with the expected rise once restrictions were lifted on the 12th and beyond, so this hasn't caught anyone "out". The most alarming point about the data being the age demographic being slightly lower than it was previously.

    Regarding people being denied admission above a certain age,that may well be an uncomfortable truth, perhaps based upon capacity at the time and whether or not the patient would be better off at home isolating because their symptoms may not be as severe, I've really no idea. Seems daft that the Nightingale Hospitals were sat empty while Cambridgeshire Trusts were transporting patients all over the place as they had zero capacity.

    Like the rest of us, I'm sat here seeing some light at the end of a very long , dark tunnel. Had both my jabs, followed the rules best I can and just want to be able to go to a footy match again. Everyone's fed up, and the last thing anyone in the NHS want is a repeat of last year, so here's hoping the current data is a blip rather than a trend.


    The bottom line, nobody has an insight to the future. Only educated guesses from medical staff based on professional experience and possible gut reaction.

    The scary thing is, its plausible people are starting to have the knowledge to play and experiment with deadly viruses. North Korea springs to mind. (Cheaper than nuclear)

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  7. 8 hours ago, Jambo said:

    My diets working extremely well with yesterday's weigh in showing just 3 more pounds and I will have lost two stone in what will be 10 weeks if I make it by Sunday next.

    The only downside is that I am only managing a dump every 3 days or so and this morning I was worried I might pass out straining away.   😉

    More veg intake?

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  8. 7 hours ago, code_slayer_bkk said:

    I didn't watch ... I feel sorry for Harry though .. this gal really knows how to "drive" a wedge between a family .. no respect!

    Not for me to say ... but, I will say anyway .. love I understand - but you cannot be spineless ....

    His betrayal shows a weakness. Cant be seen as anything else. Wish they didn't get all this publicity....Kitchen sink soap drama, is for old ladies and sad people.  IMO...

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