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Everything posted by STARGAZER

  1. For sure i get it. BTW...I need to correct myself...Thai Govt does indeed classify the safe zone for PM2.5 differently than does the WHO....the WHO says safe is only 25ppm or below, whilst the Thai govt says 50ppm or below. I do believe that is only band that varys and the unhealthy and dangerous zones have same criteria.
  2. Why is a drone in Bangkok more "on topic" to a thread entitled Air Pollution - Pattaya thread than is a reasonable discussion concerning alternative forms of environmentally more friendly forms of energy? By the way...orange building in bsckground...The Auguston on 22. I saw them launching these things this morning from the firestation on 22 during my walk about.
  3. You must be confused and mis read somewhere I am arguing to legislate out existing forms...nothing could be further than the truth. I am the ultimate glass full guy and think the power of human driven social change will make things evolve much faster, much more efficiently, and much less costly to society in general than any legislation or regulations would. You can't force shit down peoples throat via legislating or taxing as a deterent. Look at the failed Paris Climate Control thing. Not a g20 country signed up has met their targets aand whilst greenhouse emissions might be reducing did those countries really need a fake handshake deal to do it or would social perceptions on their own fueled the change. And to make people pay a higher cost to force a change that would of happenned anyway, well look at the lil boy Macron and how his mission is playing out raising taxes. If any approach regarding legislative effect works it is the opposite of taxation..it is incentivizing via lower taxes..ie the HK Telsa argument earlier in this thread. Where have i even hinted anything less. Stating i think investing in alternative forms of energies that are more environmentally friendly, and more sustainable via renewability or less consumption is smarter than investing im fossill fuel advanced technologies is not the same as protesting against some pipeline or trying to force close a coal plant. It is merely conviction in my belief that social awareness and innovation will take care of it via a natural process and along with the exponential increase in velocity of innovation comes increased speed of new process. I laugh at the tree huggers out trying to legislate to save our environment. The environment CAN'T be saved. It is a consumable..it really is that simple. But we can maximize efficiency of the consumption even if it doesn't change the ultimate end result..that being it has all been consumed. And i don't lose one second of sleep worrying about that end result because I am sure innovation will yield us plenty of other choices of environments far far away to consume long before this one is gone. The tree huggers way to tense and their trying to force square pegs through round holes is totally an exercise in self defeat.
  4. Part of innovation leads to better per unit economics on existing knowledge. I can remember when a 6 function (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, convert to %, and square root calculation ) costed usd$99.00. I can recall my first state of art 2 megal pixel fuji digital camera cost usd$900.00,...i could go on and on with a list of a zillion and one examples. I can remember when the first wireless phones were the size of a small carry in bag and cost usd$2500. I could go on and on and list many other examples like this. So again I can only conclude that if you can only see today and think it will cost trillions of dollars in new infastructure to convert to a mainstream form of transport based onusing electro magnetic levitation theory I can only assume you think the velocity of innovation will slow down exponentially. I just don't get it? Now if your argument was based on the power lust and greed inherent in human nature and say the fossil fuel industry lobbyist will curtail it I could understand that somewhat. After all it is the only reason we are still on the stuff today. Similar to why millions of people still die of cancer in 2019..the pharmy industry makes way to much coin off cancer treatment to want it to be cured. How could i envision maybe a low cost infrastructure be done..maybe in 10 years time laying the magnetic coils needed will be as simple as it is today for the public road department to repaint lane line dividers on the roads. Yeah sounds far fetched, but than again if i told you 10 years ago you could 3d print a gun you would of thought that insane as well. Just sayin...and some real irony, i hope the velocity does slow down. We are near the critical point that it is faster than our human capicity to manage and control it.
  5. Everyone entitled to their opinion but my opinion is if the human mindset was locked into the mindset you express above we would still be trying to figure out fire. I understated things...it took our species 9 million years to innovate from our first tools to being able to light a fire. 9 million years! My father died in 1997. I thought we had really reached close to our innovative ceiling than. I would say if my father could magically reappear today he would be lost and think he is in some altered state fantasy world. Most scientists and sociologists agree man has had more technological advancement in past 10 years than the rest of our recorded in history time combined...a nice little user friendly chart to remind one of the exponential increase in velocity can be found in link below. Personally I wish it would slow down as we are so close to the point the velocity exceeds our capacity to handle it. But, like I said. All speculative, but still for the life of me i can't figure out how someone with your intellect could not only think the velocity of innovation would slow down, but think it would do so at an exponential rate as per your above claim. www.explainthatstuff.com/timeline.html
  6. Pretty sure that feature could be one of the cheapest add on options in history. Can probably get the vibration effect and everything. Augmented Reality will never go out of style. 😎
  7. like i said,......it took man 1000's a year to master fire. 10 years ago, no smartphones. Why would the velocity of innovation slow down? But, regardless, it is all speculation, your POV and mine. Only time will tell. I plan on hanging around for awhile and continue to watch the amazements unfold....at a lighting like speed.
  8. There you go again inferring that the velocity of innovation will slow down.....but....take a deep breath..what part of these two sentences that I wrote did you not understand? I thought I was pretty clear I was speaking towards the future of true sustainable transportation, no? Electric magnetic power and ride sharing is the future for sustainable clean transportation. Even electric cars as we know them today leave massive carbon footprints via the production of the batteries and the electricity generation of the recharge ports.
  9. Ray Rhompo's best mate google can be your friend as well. Maybe propelled and not powered by electro magnetics would be a better technical term. Have you ever heard of Elan Musk's hyper tube. Have you ever ridden on the Shanghai Maglev train? It is amazing. Should be on everyones's bucket list.
  10. By the way, the breeze picked up last night early and was blowing the right direction and the skies really cleared after sundown. The "red moon" was the closest thing to a red moon I had ever seen in Asia. It was beautiful and big. You could see the topography it was so clear. Really made me wish I had more camera skills and hardware than my point and shoot phone. It really was a stunning and beautiful thing to see.
  11. To of done so would be almost as zany as you thinking the velocity of innovation will suddenly lose speed and slow down. I am a skeptic and conservative, the electromagnetic prototypes have already been built and proven. Now it is only a matter of economics. I won't jump on the PM bandwagon until we at least have the semblance of a working prototype. Just sayin.....😜
  12. I just completed this as well. Amazing I lived in Bay Area for 5 years, and been to Eureka numerous times. Even prior to living in that neck of the woods, whilst in Uni in Las Vegas we would always go to the Humboldt State games, (as much for the ganja as the game) but I never had anything other than this "romantic" perception of Humboldt County. Of course there was a tinge of "outlaw" in the romanticism, but it surely wasn't a Columbian Cocaine Cartel violent like perception. In a million years I would of never imagined AlderPoint existed. Since watching Murder Mountain I turned a couple of native Norther Californians onto the show and they came away with the exact same shock...they had no idea.
  13. One worth watching is the new docu that came out just last week called FYRE-The World's Greatest Party That Never Happened. Talk about a millennial deal gone bad...it is just mind boggling.
  14. I believe current fare is one month free and 420 baht per month for premium. (300 baht for the lower end version) You can register and pay the Thailand fee but if you use a VPN can get anything anywhere in the world shows.
  15. Same on the debit card thing here....the new processors that I encounter more every day....same thing as USA,...enter PIN, hit enter, and it spits out a receipt of purchase with details, but no place for a signature. No need. More and more cardless ATMS around town now as well.
  16. proven is the operative word there. It has always been there, it didn't just magically appear since 1980. And the proven reserves have grown at even a greater rate than the demand and/or consumption, but even your graph shows from a technology standpoint of being able to identify all the oil fields may of peaked and we have them all mapped. (for most part) Your graph actually shows a drop in last 5 years....over a longer period of time it will become a flat line. We need to not only flat line consumption, but make that graph start trending down. https://www.indexmundi.com/energy/ Ironic that our atmosphere requires a certain amount of carbon to be perfect for human existence. Somehow I think mother nature had that part figured out and that is why she belches a volcanic burp every now and than. Not sure she is so happy about having her stomach pumped artificially like we are doing.
  17. I have used credit and debit cards in my wife's name for 99% of every purchase using plastic in last 10 years. My plastic is foreign, so easier to use local. Never once when I sign my name has anybody ever said, hey that signature doesn't look like the signature on back of the card. (which is in thai, not even english) Never once.
  18. Well I can give you 50 people in HK whose decision was 100% two fold, tax credit and environmental. So what is your point.
  19. the dirty storage is the problem I refer to. Next 100 years.....do you recall 11 years ago there was no such thing as a smart phone. If I told you 5 years ago, ganja would become medically legal, soon to be recreational in Thailand you would of thought that crazier than 10 years down the road electric magnetic will become mainstream as will quantum computing. Out of curiosity, why would you think that the velocity of technological advancement would slow down when it has done nothing but gain velocity since the beginning of mankind? And no denial the velocity of such advancement is like the speed of light as compared to even 30 years ago.
  20. No, proof is it was a monetary value thing. Showing you could afford an expensive car is what the Bentley's and Rolls Royces are. A brand new Telsa with tax credit was less expensive than Lexuss SUV in HK and every one in HK knew that. Had nothing to do with flashing money, it had the exact opposite which was PROVEN by the drop in sales when the tax credit was taken away. Far from a tree hugger, Spicey, but not stupid enough to think we are still living in 1975. Giving incentives to do things better environmentally is best way to get people to do it. Only a foolio like Macron would think the opposite and watch his country fall apart in revolt.
  21. To me it is common sense.....wind and solar are true renewables. Sucking carbon fuels out of our rock, well, common sense tells me it is in there for a reason. I don't think the reason is for human consumption. And there is a no deniable it is a consumable, as our all all natural resources. Trees take 50-100 years to grow back so that can be managed. The Carbons in fossil fuel based energy that we remove from the rock take 10's of thousands of years to replace itself. Call me idiotic, many do, but for me the math just doesn't add up.
  22. for transportation-----electromagnetics I like wind and hydro more than solar! But we still have some to learn about solar like truly harnessing the incredible energy of the outer far infra red band. Where we are lacking behind is the "battery" or storage of the alternative energy sources. No doubt we can on demand generate enough, we just don't have the storage down yet.
  23. f**k diesel.....f**k all fossil fuels. These clean coal, clean diesel initiatives in 5 years will be looked at as stupidly a mere bandaid like we look at the water cannons today. Electric magnetic power and ride sharing is the future for sustainable clean transportation. Even electric cars as we know them today leave massive carbon footprints via the production of the batteries and the electricity generation of the recharge ports. Where China is hypocritical in their claims of being on the forefront in electric cars. They are generating the electricity via horrible dirty coal power plants. (and yes, there is very clean coal technology, just like there is clean diesel...but anything that promotes fossil fuels is not the long term solution, just a mere bandaid treating the symptoms.)
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