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galenkia last won the day on January 2

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About galenkia

  • Birthday 09/01/1968

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  1. We won 3-0 at Norwich this season which was miraculous as we never win there.
  2. My usual vegetables in Thai green curry sauce, with pilau rice and a toasted pita bread.
  3. We signed on loan a young Korean winger from Spurs aged 18. Only made his professional debut last march but scored 12 goals and 6 assists. Was voted rookie of the year and young player of the month five times. sounds like a good prospect.
  4. Nice 2-1 win to get us back on track after couple of losses. Now only three points off playoffs so looking okay.
  5. Decided to leave my book at work and read it during my breaks, so started another one at home. Hopefully my ‘to be read’ pile will look smaller.😀
  6. The 1199 Panigale in the middle is beautiful. Meant to be a real handful to ride due to the vicious power delivery.
  7. That’s not too bad. Do you take medication for your blood pressure?.
  8. Welcome to my world.😀 It’s not big and it’s not clever.😀
  9. No, you just self certify your fit to drive. You do have to have an annual medical to drive a HGV when you hit 70.
  10. This coming from a man who only goes to the gym to perve at fit women.😀
  11. Mine expires near the end of march but have not heard anything yet. But from what I have read it’s within a month of expiration.
  12. I remember reading that a lot of motorcyclists a few years ago were getting their renewed licenses back without their motorcycle entitlement. It’a why I have photographed my current license to have proof of my license.
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