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Ivan the terrible

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Everything posted by Ivan the terrible

  1. i would gather you dont agree Jambo...would be good to have a chat about it
  2. its the reason I left 20 odd years ago,,,its a shit centralised health model,Soviet or Cuban in essence ...for all its good intentions and laudable aspirations it just doesnt work..too top down ..it will never work ..look to a mixed model like Germany ..there are reasons why the Gemans did so much better in Covid management .
  3. Seems we need to be targeting VWF, (exposed by endothelial cell dysfunction in SARS COV 2) in addition to the coagulation cascade.. N Acetyl Cysteine may in part fit the bill
  4. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries deaths per million roughly 50% of Spain,Italy and UK They have more cases as they are testing large numbers now but testing rates per million are below Spain Italy and interstinly Russia ..so they have got a way to go with this
  5. there is nothing wrong with what the majority are doing in that pic
  6. good news herd immunity required could be as low as 20-30 % https://judithcurry.com/2020/05/10/why-herd-immunity-to-covid-19-is-reached-much-earlier-than-thought/ apologies to Fyg in whom Judith seems to provoke mini seizures
  7. you cannot vaccinate against a disease of aging....yet dont get me wrong...the time for stulltifying lockdown is passing...how we open up "relatively safely" is the question now we have to open up now the immeadiate threat of the virus overwhelming existing health services has passed
  8. BOTRK is a bloody awesome movie...how a strong soul like that could be highjacked is the subplot and amazingly compelling
  9. an amazing photo of great actors...and not an instagram virtue signal amongst them
  10. hope it sticks in your craw me old mucker ...but glad to be of help in your inadequate southern education
  11. interesting discussion in the Tele...paywalled Schindlers list for me The Cruel Sea another contender
  12. true,but countries who have also ramped up testing eg australia have still seen numbers drop...uk not
  13. its a very good point...but the is no resiling from the reality of the infectivity and lethality of this cuntish virus its a damn looser either way but we have to live be cautious...but it will erupt....there is no stopping this fucker without a vaccine or pure luck
  14. i disagree ..... the virus NECESSITATES a lockdown for the greater good Personal freedom has always had limits We are not anarchic...surely I wish our human communication bubble was looser ...but...it aint...suck it up snowflake live with the reality
  15. 99% is speculative ...20 % need to go to hospital...50% of that end up serious .50 % of those end in ITU 5% survive when ventilated..1 in 20 its catastrophic
  16. nightclubs have got to be history till 2021 surely...madness to think otherwise
  17. you could put any political leader in there ..we are entering uncharted territory across all of the world I ,for sure wouldnt want to be making the decisions ...its easy to take a pop...what would you do ??? Cheap shots are the home of the coward if you are not prepared to put yourself on the line no body "knows " what to do...its best guess
  18. intersting ..the recent melbourne outbreak of 71 cases as of today was also an abbatoir...i dont believe for a moment that there is no threat to public health as per the official announcements ...they say no evidence of risk but what they never say is that is ZERO evidence that it is not a risk they dont knoww ffs ...why dont they just say so if it can live in a toilet(QL outbreak ) it sure as hell can live on meat ?how long...do the bloody work
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