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Jambo last won the day on March 23 2021

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  1. I have a great Bliss "only happens in Thailand" story to relate. I know I have told it before but maybe on the Secrets forum. Roughly once a month I used to enjoy a lunchtime visit to Bliss on my way back to Secrets from my daily bank run. The girls used to all sit outside the entrance out of the sun and one picks one to join you for a drink inside. On this day I selected one I did not recognise from previous visits. In case you don't know Bliss was a somewhat posh BJ bar. We reached the point when the girl and I were due to move upstairs when the "Manager" came over to me and explained that the girl I selected was brand new and I would be her first customer. Would I mind if one of the other girls went with us upstairs to show the new girl "what was expected" so to speak. Alternatively, I could select another of the girls instead. I would only be charged for one girl of course. Sounded interesting to me, so up the three of us went which resulted in a half hour or so of a hilarious session of "Tag" blow job. Not that the "new girl" needed much, if any, of a demonstration of the actual deed only their procedure for looking after the customer. Both had a generous tip from me and the Manager a thumbs up as I departed. Definitely one of those "only in Thailand" moments.
  2. Well spotted! My guess would have been the sub-sahara sand hopper variety. This looks like £1.36 from Amazon. Goes in my porridge every morning. Bee Keeping? Next!
  3. I received a letter from the NHS yesterday. It advised me that I have an appointment at the Royal in Edinburgh on the 30th January with the same surgeon who carried out my left hip replacement back in September 2023. It has only been a month (good sign) since x-rays on my right hip confirmed the osteoarthritis had substantially increased the joint deterioration and that I was now on the hip replacement waiting list once again. Hopefully, this time the initial meeting with the surgeon and the date of the actual operation will not be so far apart.
  4. I once bought two Lovebirds for my daughters. After exactly one day, they lost all interest in them, as did my wife with the words "I told you they wouldn't look after them!" After that, it was down to me. You would not imagine how much mess the two little fuckers made in my office. By then I was working from home and their cage, which was huge, had been banished to my office. When they eat, they threw the shells of the seeds/nuts they consumed out of the cage and all over the carpet. I had to hoover up the mess twice a day. Nobody told me how noisy they are. Think Budgie x ten! We gave them away in the end. PS: Then we got Gerbils. The cat got them!
  5. Maybe long gone, more's the pity, but not forgotten. Living Dolls along favourites such as Catz, Peppermint and FLB, made my typical night out in Town on many of my early trips.
  6. Love having a massage. I don't think I have had a totally "legitimate" massage since 2003. That was a foot massage and it fucking hurt! Easy enough to get an acceptable semi-legitimate massage with an ending of one's choice. I think, at heart, I am just a lazy bastard.
  7. I had so many great nights in Living Dolls. To me it was the definitive Pattaya entertainment venue. Well managed and normally rammed full of touchy/feely and very friendly girls. Large, noisy and somewhat old fashioned and what was that smell? 🤣 Loved it!
  8. Several early trips in a row, I flew EVA enhanced economy from Heathrow following the shuttle down from Edinburgh. I ceased using EVA after the flight from hell due to the passenger(s) sitting next to me. I booked the flight last minute when my daily check on prices disclosed a healthy discount. My only concern was my seat in the section had me in the front row of two seats with a facing wall however in my preferred window seat. At the time I liked window seats because I could usually sleep for at least 6 hours if undisturbed. When I boarded the aircraft, I found my fellow passenger sitting in my window seat with a portable "cot" for her BABY hanging on the wall facing US. I decided it was not worth pointing out to the mother that she was in fact sitting my seat. The baby started crying as the aircraft neared take off velocity at Heathrow and was still going strong when we landed in Bangkok. During the flight several passengers, always female, took turns to make sympathetic comments with the mother. Not surprisingly, none felt the need to make empathetic comments to me! I never flew EVA again to Thailand. I never visited Turkey after watching Midnight Express at the cinema. Both decisions about as logical as each other!
  9. View from my window. It snowed quite hard for about an hour or so and has almost ceased now. Looks quite nice I suppose but I hate both snow and the cold. First snow of the winter for me here in Scotland and I sincerely hope the last. Fat chance of that and I voted for climate change. I think I will search flights to Thailand this afternoon. I will start with enhanced premium economy. 😃
  10. It was taken at the Crocodile Park in case anybody is remotely interested which is somewhat strange given them there elephants are definitely not crocks. 🤣
  11. I absolutely hate this topic and would love to see it disappear, never ever to return. Nothing personal, but I hate all who make contributions. Am I jealous of all who fly Business Class? Too fucking right! My most recent round trip in cattle class was the worst, most uncomfortable and protracted ever, or at least seemed that way. Before flying, I seriously considered upgrading my flights to Business class only to find that was going to cost me an ADDITIONAL £5,000+ with Qatar Airways. That was more than I spent in my whole month in Thailand. I could have paid the £5,000. What I couldn't do was justify to myself paying an additional £5,000 just for two flights. Surely, I said to myself, you can put up with a couple of somewhat less comfortable seats for 14 hours each way and save the £5,000? When the guy sitting next to me on the first flight got out his sick bag before we even took off, I absolutely knew I should have paid the 5 grand. I have regretted the decision ever since. I still hate you all. 🤣
  12. I don't know what to say other than you have my absolute respect. Driving back from golf one afternoon I saw a motorcyclist in front of me wiped out by a car that pulled out without looking. I didn't sleep properly for days. I still from time to time relive that one incident.
  13. No Sir. Clue: Dumbo's the one in the middle. 😄
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