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Everything posted by roobob

  1. Never had a problem with Gabor and have met him a couple of times. First bumped into him in Walking Street as we both were about to enter an establishment. Had a good chat and a couple of drinks and then we went our separate ways. Ran into him about 6 months later and he stopped to say hi..had some small chit chat ...same again twice more. In my dealings with him he was always civil and would gladly have a drink with him if we ever bumped into each other in the future. He also put his food reviews on Secrets which were well received. His reviews and Evils were a different style and both Evil's and his were well received. Gabor was testy at times.... but it was not all a one way street with him...he copped some crap aimed at him....when he retorted ..... he was piled upon by some and made out to be the one always in the wrong when it was not the case at all. He also had some good info about the scene in Patts...pity a few always played the poster when he posted up...not his post content. Hope he is going well. cheers
  2. The one I use now is Roiet. Usually when I do my report it usually takes 15 minutes at most. Immigration get a lot of negatives but my experience with them have overall been good. Ever since being here...if I have a question on anything....I go to the Immigration Office and ask them directly and each time they are happy to help out. cheers
  3. Today I went and done my renewal for my retirement visa as it was due early next month and I had some free time. First up...headed to the Bank for letter to confirm funds in Bank. This took about an 1 hr at bank due to it being busy. Total cost here 200baht for all what was needed. Second up to a photo copy shop to get what I needed. ... Photo copy of front and second page of page of yellow book. Photo copy of pages used in passport along with a copy of departure card that is put in passport on arrival. Photo copy of bank book I signed all the pages here before heading off to Immigration. I already had a photo from last year so I did not need a new one that they stick on the application form. Total cost here...41baht. By now it was near Mid day so had lunch and then headed to Immigration getting there at 1:15pm 3rd up.....Arrived at 1:15pm and filled in some paperwork at front desk. Put this with all the other paperwork I had and along with passport handed it to Immigration Officer. He checked it.... said wait over there and you will be called. At 1:50pm called to another desk...photo taken for their computer...... over to the next desk......paid the princely sum of 1900baht...told my next report was 24 May 22 and out the door I went just before 2pm. All up total time at Immigration was approx 45 minutes along with good efficient service by the staff there. Total cost was 2141 baht and I am right to go for another year. cheers Add on for those interested...nothing was asked for of vaccination status or Insurance.
  4. Well said mate. I take my hat off to Mods...damned if they do...damned if they don't. What gets me is when someone has a run in with a Mod on a forum...then runs to another forum moaning and groaning about it knowing that only their side of the story is the only one which will be heard. Also when a BM has a run in with a Mod over a difference of an opinion on a subject and then threatens the Mod for doing so.... then complains for being pulled up for it..... stupid. Some should remember even though they are Mods/Admin...they are also BMs and should be allowed to add to discussions on the forum. When are you coming out of retirement mate...555... cheers
  5. It seems the flu has been near eradicated too....555 cheers
  6. lol.....you have come up with the trifecta in spreading your false news.....lol Your "experts" are a glorified teacher with no scientific papers published...a Japanese piano player....and a You tuber...lol. Your on a roll.... keep them coming.... 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  7. lol.... lets look at a couple of the names....lol Izuma Kimura..... a Japanese pianist...lol Izumi Kimura - Wikipedia Hesham Nassar...a Youtuber...lol Hesham Nassar - YouTube Dear oh dear..... the laugh of the day... these two would not even qualify as glorified teachers let alone get a grant......555 Comedy gold......🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  8. lol... oh dear oh dear..... lol. What a load of rot. 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  9. You have been caught out. You bigged yourself up about her qualifications...what she has done...but when push come to shove and you were asked to stump up the scientific papers/ reports on covid she has had published and you veered off to deflect mode the same as you do every time you give out false information....... your easier to read than a book. 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  10. Here you go deflector. You bigged Baxter up by trotting her out and going on like she is a covid expert with the number of papers she has published as what is highlighted in your post above. Since then you have been asked to to stump all the scientific papers she has had published on covid .....you have come up with zip...nothing...zero. Once again you put up false information as it is fact but when you get called out on it...immediately go to the deflect mode. 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  11. Right on cue...... the other half of the Laurel & Hardy duo. 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  12. You should practice what you preach. You were the one that brought up how much a covid expert Baxter was but when asked to stump all the scientific papers she has had published...as usual you come up with zip...nothing...zero. Once again you put up false information as it is fact but when you get called out on it...immediately go to the deflect mode. So again...it is safe to say that your heroine "professor" has got no scientific papers published on covid......lol. 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  13. Nice deflection once again....so it is safe to say that your heroine "professor" has got no scientific papers published on covid......lol. Ahhh....another one living in your bubble .......you should really get off your couch and get out in the real world. I suggest you look at the current situation in WA the despot leader has in place to see what is actually going on. cheers
  14. Still waiting on all those scientific papers that glorified teacher named Prof Nancy Baxter has published about Covid??? Have you found them yet....or is it a case that there is none and you are in the deflection mode when called out for your rubbish...lol. At least she is not like some of the other glorified teacher vaccine zealots where she gives needles to minors against their parent's wishes. Oh....gee...that lockdown with all the restrictions in WA really worked...... next statement from you will be that lockdowns are the be all end all...555. cheers
  15. Oh dear....false news again. So now you are again saying that the spread of the virus is from unvaccinated people when that is obviously not true as all people can spread it...vaxed and unvaxed. Truely you should stop with the spreading of false information.... you are making yourself look foolish. cheers
  16. lol....back to the deflection mode after again been proven wrong...lol It is now 2022....so how did they go rolling out those 1.3 billion additional vaccine doses by the end of 2021........ or can we file your post once again under...false news....555 cheers
  17. Ahh...you are back to the...might...this time with your constant barrage of trivial and at times incorrect information...555 Lets see..... now this is fact...not might.... fact.... 1. Covid vaccines will not stop you getting the virus and if vaccinated you can become serious ill or die from it. 2. Being vaccinated will not prevent you from spreading the virus to others. 3. You are not protected from the virus if vaccinated...you can still get it. 4. Being vaccinated will not stop the person from spreading the virus at all. Now please....... will you stop being the drama queen doom and gloom merchant you are and desist in spreading false information. cheers
  18. You answered a post by another person that brought up Thailand going on about restrictions here so you were one of two who brought Thailand into the equation....so again.....please enlighten us from afar for the ones who are actually on the ground here what regulations they are flouting?? Why should I get vaccinated at this present time just because you or anyone else demands it.??? Where did I say that I do not wear a mask when out and about?? Stop with the doom and gloom mate.....it cannot be good for your mental health. Get off the keyboard and get out and about in the sunshine...go and smell the roses.....get back to living life. cheers
  19. What regulations are they flouting??? Please enlighten us from afar for the ones who are actually on the ground. cheers
  20. Going on my recent getting around....people both jabbed and unjabbed just want to get on with life and most are starting to do so. The ones who seem to be hiding behind the the couch are the ones who have been jabbed a couple of times... for reasons only known to them. cheers
  21. Sounds like my last post hit the nail squarely on the head. 🤣 🤣 🤣 cheers
  22. Like I said...you are the ultimate sad sack ....... and now are stooping to nit picking to who gives other BMs an emoji.... is that what you do to for you to have an excellent full life......555. The only life you have is spending all your time on the forum tapping on your keyboard to post up your doom and gloom messages. One only has to look at your content and times you post up ....... you would never get out of the house....lol.. Ahh...again another little subtle dig at where I live...... the way you continually bring it up makes one wonder that you are jealous of me being able to live in that area......but I am in the North East ...not the Midwest....555 To your link...I suggest you actually read what it says before you claim something......lol. Do not worry......you are safe as I have no plans of visiting the USA again...... my days of returning there for a visit have passed. cheers
  23. Mate..seriously you are indeed the ultimate sad sack. Whenever someone posts up something positive on Thailand or give their actual on the ground experience you are one of the first to jump in with constant negative posts...why is that?? The only serious continued onslaught of the a global pandemic is in your own little bubble world and your mind. Fair dinkum mate...grow up ...... get yourself off the keyboard for awhile and get a life cheers
  24. Thanks mate. You will have a good time. It is not all the doom and gloom that some are reporting. Yes things are not the same but slowly are getting back to where it was. cheers
  25. It will have an impact on Soi 4 I reckon. The Beer Garden was open and I had a look in in the afternoon and at night and it was the deadest I have ever seen it. cheers
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