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Ivan the terrible

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Everything posted by Ivan the terrible

  1. whereas the morning star is gospel here lol...i love broad brushes ...you can tar a multitude..and the rest follow,which is the real suprise! 🙂
  2. Im scared now...i think they are going to deport me to haircut central, Pyongyang i love my hair lol
  3. just use Gais pussy pic as an entry in future...unforgettable
  4. yup that would indeed be a bugger ..get Lanza to talk to Ben so they can co-ordinate because Im such a threat lol
  5. should this comment not be in the politics section?...hells teeth you can move it too..irony is a bugger isnt it..lol do mods have to fit diversity quotas?? Good night ,hope to see you all in the morning but not assuming anything lol
  6. very very suprised by you last couple of posts ...times and people change i suppose I tend to think of it like allegiance to a football team ..eg QPR..we all know they are crap but for supporters they are our crap Difficult to change your footy team
  7. consider this post as a medication alarm...ps dont read it...do it
  8. i think it is bollocks...spit it out hombres
  9. its an important point if a person here is spreading financial misinformation ie important pattaya stuff ..it needs to be called out..you either 1know,.,or you 2dont...or you 3fabricate to fit your preconcieved ideas/agenda ...when you dont know jack shit Answers on a postcard please
  10. No idea mate ..have been warned off that place Seemingly it is full of racist bigots ...wait for the denoument ..."WHO SUPPORT BREXIT "..scandalous racists that they are.. ...tempted to put on a Brexit hat and be self strangled by a lunch bag tie and then call Dixon to add a couple of Nigerian accomplices to make it ok in the world ..the MSM will be all over it.
  11. can i have the wine lake please Mr Junker?...fook off with the straw
  12. Quite agree that 247 isnt evil at all ...that's why i'm here ,some great posters and banter and good info too ..a fun forum ..long may it be so Moving on is a different animal entirely and bears no relation to my brief sentence above,neither in form ,content or intent , its a personal thing, Would be delighted to discuss face to face at some point..a buy you a beer and chew the cud..I dont think this environment,or any forum could provide for the nuanced discussion that is required to disentangle the myriad of issues at hand I am lucky to to be able to post both here and on other fora too..they are not mutually exclusive and, in finality,only a numptie could deny the changed landscape,but berrating another outlet serves no one and indeed, no purpose, given that many have "dual nationality"..and I do indeed appreciate the irony of that in the current context in the UK. I could wax lyrical on the psychological issues of adjustment but sadly i have to give the cat her insulin injection..ever tried to catch a cat who knows full well whats coming lol
  13. even you would have no problem finding one to post in then 🙂 As you are well aware,I meant here
  14. fair enough mate...no hear no speak monkey 🙂 it must have been really difficult to skirt the issue but fair enough..personal friensdships are much more important than any forum
  15. Is there a Pattaya Live thread,maybe a good idea to create one 🙂
  16. what was his take on how his time at Secrets as a mod went down? Was he satisfied with his input or in the "could do better " basket ?
  17. Just musing and in a completely different vein,I wonder what happened to UP2U2..good bloke in real life
  18. Cheers pump..the baht is in the post lol
  19. That is a pretty strong epithet and all the more strange as you were posting on the Secrets forum up to a few days ago. Did your moral outrage only just bubble up to the surface a few days ago ??You have also been around a fair while ,why give succour to a forum whose owners you find morally repugant and whose moral compass lost its magnetic pole ..in LOS of .all places,who would have thunk it ..lol This is obviously descending into the "bicker" category and I am well aware you have the whip hand in that regard..so I will nor comment further on this matter
  20. so..we are not allowed to participate in 2 different fora about Thailand?Participation in one is not a barrier to participating in another ,or so I would have thourght I have no idea about the ownership issue and also doubt that many others do either.. Are you really telling me to FO back there if it was so good?...there is a thread about the place if you ,didnt notice ,is it not for commenting on? I find your post unfathomable
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