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Everything posted by MrDK

  1. In the mood for a nice 17oz steak near 1/2kg Before cooking Served
  2. Welcome here. I will need your service within too long.
  3. You forgot sodium. Thai food is loaded with sodium. I happen to be on a very restricted sodium diet for medical reasons, so I am in and it itself a good gauge, but I have learned to read up on the matter and for everybody it should be beneficial to be aware. Sodium may cause high blood pressure, heart decease, obesity, excel fluid retention, metabolic disorders, and albuminuria (associated with kidney decease). For starters the standard for daily value (DV) of sodium is 2,400mg (~1mg/Kcal) max and American Heart Association (AHA) is 1,500mg as an ideal limit. CDC estimate that the average sodium intake in the US is 3,400mg/day, UK hovers around 3Kmg and WHO list Thailand as average 4Kmg/day Examples of ingredients sodium per tbsp. Fish sauce: 1,400mg. Red curry paste: 350mg. Green curry paste: 500mg. Shrimp paste: 1,500mg, Soy sauce: 900mg. Thai meals 1 plate or 2 cup-bowl: Dish/ Bowl mg Na Drink mg Na Tom Yom Goong: 3,000 Thai Beer: 14 Pad Thai: 1,300 Guinness: 0 Mama noodle soup: 2,000 Vodka soda: 3 Red curry: 1,000 Coffee 5 Green curry: 1,700 Orange Juice 1 Thai fried rice: 1,600
  4. A lot of apple dips are based on ranch and goes well with the other fruits. I used my own sodium free creamy ranch. Only 25mg sodium on that plate (1% DV).
  5. Almost all fruits, Yummy and healthy: Avocado = Fruit Tomato = Fruit Bell Peppers = Fruits Apple = Fruit Blue berries = Fruits I see only one veggie; lettuce. Call it a fruit salad with lettuce.
  6. Apple and avocado (+) salad with OJ, strawberry and apple juices
  7. Avocado with four different dressings vinaigrette, ranch, creamy Caesar (all home made) and 1K island, smoked salmon (grav laks) and scrimp
  8. Transplant from Secrets. I have a lot of photos and some stories that hopefully will find a good home here, including a thread that has been very active on the Secrets board as of late telling a story that likely will spell my ultimate demise. It is a story about what may happen to those who party too much in Pattaya and how to nip it in the bud. Hope to maintain contact with many friends here and to find new ones
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