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Derek Dangleberries

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Everything posted by Derek Dangleberries

  1. OK, I'll tell you mine then...I was worried that a lurker might read it and report it.(There are some weirdos out there) Mine was 192 ...... I had been drinking heavily for about a week before the jab. I'm back to 140 now and keeping clean until next Tuesday .. and beyond.
  2. Interesting. I have something to say on this subject but will wait until I have had my second jab ... I think you may be shocked ...
  3. I'm reading the instructions on my new hand clippers that I bought at the market yesterday. Each clipper fitting has a range of 3mm (ie 3mm to 6mm) luckily I only intend you use it for armpits and around my dangleberries. It's still on charge at the moment. Can't wait to try it out !! 🚑🏥
  4. It hasn't rained here since 07:39:42 ..... not that I'm obsessed with it or anything..
  5. Yep but I am happier that it doesn't appear after Dangleberries Hangout !!
  6. I was there this morning having a mooch around too! I also like the omission of an apostrophe after Dangleberries and I'm also glad it isn't going to be Dangleberries Hangout as that might attract the wrong crowd ...
  7. Totally understand that situation... but that situation only exists if they choose that option.
  8. What I don't understand is how anybody "lost everything" because of Covid. Surely that could only happen if they bought their businesses at the beginning of last year because at any other point prior to that, their business plan would show a planned return on the original investment during "normal" times. I was self employed from 91 onwards and I have "walked away" from business because of earthquakes, SARS,political unrest and illness but at no time did I "lose everything"... that came later because I pissed all my money away enjoying myself.
  9. I can assure everybody that I have NEVER been a ringer !!!
  10. There...that looks better now doesn't it.😉 I hope it remains to be the cheapest early morning bar in Pattaya !!
  11. I understand your whole post but would like to point out that they invested money to make a profit out of us, not for our enjoyment, the same as any entrepreneur in any business worldwide... If they have lost everything I'm sorry but that is the nature of any business venture.
  12. It also helps that Mr Egg is such a nice chap.
  13. I'm going to clean out my daughter's room today. I haven't touched it since the flooding. I have no idea what life forms have evolved in there since then!!.....
  14. Shouldn't that be NOT lucky ??? Although I haven't touched Boolean logic for at least 40 years ..
  15. Yep but I've gambled and done my transfer already before any price changes.... ... OK, I'm lying ..I did it whilst drunk ..
  16. That is good news indeed. My strategy is to stay with the peloton into the new year without using any chips. Let's see how things progress...!!
  17. Perhaps they had just removed all the mirrors for cleaning ....
  18. Because of recent events here I thought fuckit and syphoned off a strawberry wine and passion fruit wine. Both tasted strong but were a bit syrupy ...So I put a splash of Hongthong in a glass, slowly added the strawberry then the passion fruit to create a "Dangleberry Sunrise" in honour of the crap Tequila Sunrises that I used to drink in The Old Dunne Cow in Darlo in the 70s whilst picking out my horses! Cheers!
  19. I love that stuff...absolutely bloody love it .. but when I have had it here it just wasn't the same. Another favourite is HobGoblin especially the tag line "Frightened you might taste something lagerboy!"
  20. Everything is clear now. The road drainage did the job !!
  21. Funnily enough one option mooted last night was for me to lay down and block the doorway with my belly!!
  22. I was talking to a friend last night about doing something for my house (rather than the whole area) and it wouldn't really take much effort or cost to seal off. I have only been flooded twice here in 10 years and the first time was because the storm trenches and culvert hadn't been cleared out, so it is only really once in 10 years, which indicates how quick and strong the rainfall was on Friday! What happened last Friday was (IMO) very unusual so I'd just like to say that any YT comments slagging off the local Thai Government inability to provide sufficient drainage, especially the beaches, are talking out their arses!
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