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Everything posted by fforest

  1. I think you exasperated Thai Spice....
  2. Things are moving fast but not this fast.....
  3. Its all by design......Its no accident....
  4. Folks this is the end of tourist in Thailand for now......THERE WILL BE NO MORE TOURIST AT ALL except for maybe a tiny few........Is this sinking in?
  5. Indian restaurant update.....It looks to me over half Pattayas Indian restaurants now have now shut the doors and turned off the lights.......Whether they fully go out of business remains to be seen...
  6. Well this will be very very very interesting to see if any of the 100s and 100s of already empty Indian restaurants close or not in the coming days weeks and months.....
  7. Finally you get something right......lol
  8. Trust me this will not end until after the mass vaccinations are rolled out.....They have slowly been taking peoples rights to opt out of vaccinations away for years now but its been going to slow.....But now they have a unprecedented opportunity to force the vaccination issue world wide....A dream come true for those in power.....
  9. Well the US dollar is doing better but I feel bad for our AUD brothers....
  10. Well Mr Egg does serve food so maybe he will not close........And the GoGo bars could also start serving food besides fur burgers...
  11. The Politicians shutting the world down is the CLEAR AND IMMINENT DANGER....
  12. George Carlin on germs and disease.......Boy could we use George now....
  13. Cut people off from their sports concerts bars restaurants etc and they will be begging for a vaccine...
  14. They sure do.....You can not get any freedom fries in france.....
  15. Correct Coronavirus line standing....
  16. They flip flop more often than a fish on a dock.....Any statement could change at any time......
  17. This rain should wash the Coronavirus away.....
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