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fforest last won the day on November 14 2020

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  1. Emily's Chicken Noodles has opened a branch on the GF of Central Festival
  2. Well the fruit stand on Soi Bukow is 100% history or will be soon....The place has been vacated.....When I took these photos today I was only focusing on the ex-fruit stand.....Then I got a baht bus..... As the baht bus pulled away I then noticed the next 6-7-8? Shops had also been vacated.....I wish I had got some photos of these other vacated shops....But heck I had just gotten on the baht bus.... What ever they are going to build there is going to be quite large...At least the size of 2 fruit stands if not larger.....
  3. I rate today one of the worst pollution days this year.....I am near walking street,and I have a clear view of the high rises in Nakula.....The smog is so thick the high rises are very very murky and not clear at all.
  4. I would take some bad pollution photos for you guys from my balcony....But Samsung cameras do a piss poor job of capturing the pollution.....I owned the 5, the 8 now the 21 and they all suck at this....
  5. https://www.facebook.com/events/s/taco-tuesday-at-bkry/1019925273050111/?mibextid=9l3rBW&rdid=7q5IgDThH9O0p3xk&share_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FzJkjTHq8uxVgYPf6%2F%3Fmibextid%3D9l3rBW BKRY Coffee & Brunch.......You for sure need transport to go here. 4 Tacos and Free Flow Frozen Margaritas only 690 THB Or 3 Tacos 490 THB 1 FREE Margarita or Corona or Soft Drink Including Salad and Sides Buffet Additional Tacos 150 THB each Additional Margaritas 200 THB each Free flow Margaritas for 1 hour Book now to avoid missing out 6pm – 6:30pm – 7:30pm – 8pm – 8:30pm
  6. I have bought loads of stuff from all over Thailand and gotten free shipping..... I think the extra distance/weight delivery charges only start applying when your buying mega kilos of something, like 5-10-20 and up kilos.... Under 2 or 3 kilos l think there is not a lot of variation in the delivery charge....
  7. They can claim free shipping at 38 baht because its true SOME orders really do have 38 baht shipping.....But free shipping is a bit of a shady claim because most orders charge 45 baht for shipping.....
  8. Lazadas free shipping was 45 baht, then they lowered it to 40 baht now free shipping is 38 baht.....I guess its people like me who relentlessly milk Lazada for every discount under the sun, thats causing Lazada to cut back on all the discounts...... 38 baht is the cheapest shipping in Thailand so Lazada can not go lower than 38 baht or they cant call their shipping free anymore.... Only about 20-25% of orders charge 38 baht for shipping now, most charge 45 baht. and any weight over one kilo is usually at least 65 baht......I have not seen Lazada hand out 65 baht free shipping in many months now....... O and by the way that TEMU game is terrible...It just goes on and on, its just not worth it......
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