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Yesitisdakid last won the day on August 16 2022

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  1. Just got up getting ready to put together the meatballs for the Super Bowl party
  2. Oh I see 711 drinkers 😊
  3. How's the seating
  4. In my case it means they're trying to avoid me
  5. What kind of sink do you have that doesn't have a overflow hole? I've never seen the sink that doesn't have a second hole for overflow at the top
  6. It just all seems a bit crazy the mayor came out in specifically said the beach is a area that's open 24 hours provided those that are laying on the beach and others that are on the beach don't create any problems and don't break the law they cannot be arrested. Then the other news article said the police were down there cleaning up the beach whether they were making people leave or not who knows just another case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing
  7. Indians or migrant Farm Workers I don't think there's a difference I don't think it matters I just can't believe they'll allow them to do it the strip club it just doesn't seem the right way to do things it's hard to believe basically the mayor says you could stay on the beach as long as you don't break the law bring a blanket there's your new home. A matter of fact thinking about it the migrant Farm Workers it could be even worse when they realize that they'll be able to sleep on the beach and not get hassled as long as they don't cause problems that could cause a rash of people beginning to do it. At which point they'll start the monitor it more carefully or tell them to leave even though it's not illegal can't see it going on
  8. Yes he was sleeping rough for a while
  9. This quote is from the mayor of Pattaya. I really have a hard time getting my head around it I understand what he's saying but he's opening the door for these Indians or any race for that matter to not even have to book a hotel room. What he's trying to say or is saying is that the beach is open 24 hours if somebody's not breaking the law they can sleep there lay there no problem they're not going to get arrested unless they're breaking the law and lying on the beach isn't a violation. Seems awful strange here's the quote taken from Pattaya mail The Pattaya beach is a public space and cannot be closed. We have staff from the Pattaya Municipal Police, Tourist Police, and officers to maintain order 24 hours a day. However, if tourists are not causing a disturbance or breaking any laws, we have no authority to stop them from lying on the beach. If any fights, loud noise, or alcohol-related disturbances occur, we will take immediate legal action,” Mayor Poramet stated
  10. And why many people do I would never hesitate buying a bike that's been a rental. Most of the rental shops take excellent care of them because they want them out on rental trouble free. I know when mark had his bikes he was renting 40 of them he was a stickler on maintaining them. A lot of times you can get a great deal.
  11. At least 50% less that's the reason we had the one for her free for me promotion for the girls at baby dolls the cost of pouring that second house drink was so affordable for the house that the customer made out by getting a free one in essence which cost us very little and the girl got her full price lady drink and her commission it was a highly profitable promotion.
  12. I didn't get into the Rock section😂
  13. I've been making a Bangkok trip monthly for the last 3 or 4 months for three nights. I just like the hustle and bustle of Bangkok just something about it keeps drawing me back. This afternoon I had to go to true to update my SIM card as they requested. So off to MBK. Every time I come to town I go into Don Don Donki. It is a Japanese themed store that has anything you could imagine meet produce tons of cooked items toys clothing cosmetics medical supplies just everything all imported from Japan. It's a huge place and it's open 24 hours. There are a few items I always get when I go in there but I always like wandering around they've always got something new
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