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  1. Typical. Government programs go on forever, but private enterprise wants results fast.
  2. I remember that place! The tables had mirrors on the top and the dancers wore very short skirts with no panties.
  3. Its the same with me, My goal is not to be the richest person in the cemetery or the oldest person in the nursing home.
  4. But beware when you take it. I needed surgery for bleeding tumor in my bladder, and I spent 3 days in pain waiting for the Plavix to wear out as they would not cut me open until they would be certain my blood would clot. Never again will I take it
  5. I have no desire to be the pldest man in the nursing hoe or the richest guy in the cemetery,
  6. My problem is sometimes I'm too sexy for my dick that like to nap
  7. What is the difference between a good and bad one?
  8. Yes or no, Do you pity all of the other Company's that make products in China? Walmart, target, Apple etc?
  9. Please stop your hate for me block your reasoning. I am, nor ever have been blind to what the Chinese Government does to its people and of course blind to what the US Government does to its people it dislikes. Obviously it shows the prevailing working hours and conditions in Southeast Asia at the time.
  10. First, please keep politics out of this section and keep the discussion civil. Second, let me be clear, I have no love for the Chinese Government and I was advised in no uncertain terms by my Chinese partner to NEVER say anything negative about them when in China, and I did not. You obviously hate me, which is your right, but you also must equally hate Walmart, Apple, Target, etc., etc., etc. that does business with China like I did.
  11. That will happen if Trump will be elected in November this year, it certainly won't happen if Biden will be elected nor when he is (almost inevitably) succeeded by Kamala Harris. Please lets keep politics out of this section.
  12. I did not say 1995. Of course, I sold the factory in 1992 as I remember.
  13. Thank you for admitting I was correct.
  14. If you bothered to read my post I said that I had my business in China in the 90's while your site lists the supposed "Rules" for current employee wages. Nerve? All you did is show your prejudge toward China. When I lived in Jomtiem Beach, my Dentist worked 12 hors a day, 6 days a week, with her husband who is a MD who worked the dame hours. That was standard working hours in Asia at the time. You obviously have no experience with China and your statement is obviously false. They NEVER tried to have any interference with my business. And I have treated every employee with respect my entire life.
  15. Actually we did. The entire factory was shut down for Chinese New years and it was typical to pay everybody a extra months pay. And how many employees did you have? I had up to 900 so please don't compare the two. Really? They were clean, secure and typical of all employee housing that was free. Nobody ever worked 7 days a week, and of course they received breaks. Why do you find that so offensive? None were looking for a life time job, their goal was to make enough money to return and get married, which typically took a year. First, the Communist Government had nothing to do with our hiring as we used private agency's. Second, I lived part time in Thailand and my workers were better off on average than similar workers in Thailand. The Chinese tradition of a Dowry and the Thai "Sin Sot" (sp) are totally different and you cant compare them. No, you did strike any "nerves", as I am just correcting your bias toward me and the Chinese with facts.
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