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lazarus last won the day on November 12 2024

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  1. Austrian wingsuit pilot Peter Salzmann has advanced human flight by adapting hydrofoil technology to wingsuiting. Collaborating with Andreas Podlipnik and Red Bull Advanced Technologies over three years, they created a wearable torso foil that enhances lift and glide. On October 24, Salzmann leaped from Switzerland's Jungfrau, breaking three BASE jump world records: farthest distance at 7.7 miles, longest flight time at nearly six minutes, and biggest altitude drop of over 11,000 feet. Reaching speeds up to 124 mph with a glide ratio of 3.67, he has taken wingsuiting to impressive new heights. . . .
  2. Having chosen to follow sound medical advice, you have a excellent chance of moving forward with a healthy life. I have several friends who are in the same situation (radiation for Stage 4 prostate cancer), and I wish them -- and you -- good health!
  3. From my recent readings about Central Asia, the Caspian Sea is shrinking dramatically. . . . As the Caspian Sea Disappears, Life Goes on for Those Living by Its Shores Scientists predict the world’s largest inland sea will shrink by a quarter due to climate change by the end of the century. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/04/27/as-the-caspian-sea-disappears-life-goes-on-for-those-living-by-its-shores-a73752
  4. Bangkok pics (from my archives) . . .
  5. For that 'clean' feeling...clears out the unwanted parasites 🪳 too! 😉 . . .
  6. oops...
  7. Haha... Yesterday, on the way back from a soccer match in Napa, we stopped at a lonely roadside Jack's along I-80... We walked into an empty store, there was a wrecked car in the parking lot... Two low end chicken sandwiches and a milk shake cost $25. No wonder it was empty! Felt like a scene in Mad Max. No worries though as we hopped back on the freeway and zipped home at 80mph...until hitting the usual traffic in Berkeley. . . .
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