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Pumpuynarak last won the day on December 5 2019

Pumpuynarak had the most liked content!


About Pumpuynarak

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  1. Now we're talking
  2. I always SCAN between 2-3pm every day as i find i can't keep me eyes open, wake up refreshed and ready to go, maybe its cos i only sleep 4 hours a night between 10pm - 2am.
  3. Yes indeed, a massive issue imo and experience. I believe integrity and ethics are sadly lacking in the Thai private hospital network, you're first and foremost a CUSTOMER who is to be relived of as much cash as possible, you then secondly become a patient.
  4. Yes indeed his lifestyle certainly did'nt lead to a healthy life but i always thought he looked good but i never saw him when he eventually moved to Pattaya to be with his wifey.
  5. Barsie was a real shock, young fit looking guy. Wifey and i use to spend time in Secrets with his wifey, real nice gal.
  6. I had a couple of great weekends there, loads of available ladies in the pubs
  7. So what sort of squad did the Pool put out versus Plymouth ? and here was i thinking that my Saints result was a disaster lol
  8. I posted in the Car Porn thread and it posted the same post twice
  9. Funny 🤣
  10. I'm 74 now and my UK licence has expired but i'm not bothering to renew as i can't see me going back to the UK anymore and if i did i wont be doing anymore driving, my son or taxis will do.
  11. Just love this......
  12. Its not the mobile banking app that puts me off from using but the size of my mobile screen that i can't cope with together with the keyboard. I just love the size of my Acer AIO 27'' screen, a real big pic for this old git lol Also i'm not convinced that the security afforded by my mobile banking app is as good as my PC. I only use my mobile HSBC app to create a security code for access to my PC HSBC account.
  13. My memory is not what it used to be lol and HH is still named HH at the mo.
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