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Krapow last won the day on December 2

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  1. I enjoyed the lounge at Helsinki Airport. That was the non Schengen one. I'm booked in for both on my return to Finland in Feb. Schengen on when i arrive in Helsinki, before the connecting flight to Ivalo. Then again the Non Schengen on my return to Helsinki from Ivalo, waiting for the Heathrow flight. If the Schengen was is much better, i shall be taking it with the Reform Party, or our Nigel direct, pure Brexit discrimination!
  2. I notice after a hard session i find it hard to sleep. My body is still 'tingling', and my head too alert or thinking too much. I know for many a good work out means a good night's sleep, though seems to be the reverse for me. It's annoying, though might be exasperated by me doing them in the evening, finishing at 7.15pm, the 30 mins walk home. But that can't really be changed, as it circuits class, and due to work commitments.
  3. Thinking back to when the Politics section was about to be opened. Lanza was asking me to moderate it as separate to the main board. I said no chance, as i thought it would be a madhouse of very forthright opinions and harsh debates. Didn't want to have to 'referee' that. Never, ever did i think the issues would be it getting spammed with cartoons, and cut and paste pish all from the same biased source with no opinion or view from the person posting them (i'd be of the same opinion if it was Left wing or Right wing) I think that's actually worse than forthright or harsh back and forths! Funny old world!
  4. It's the crisps that do it for me, never have a seen more madder flavours, stuff like lobster eggs in spicy garlic sauce or similar I love crisps as well, my downfall. I don't really eat cake of sweet things, apart from say a nice homemade coffee cake. But i could eat crisps none stop, and all the mental flavours in 7/11 has me buying them to try!
  5. Yes, i know it's the direction of travel (excuse the pun). Everywhere will have it sooner or later, and it'll speed things up. I'm not due back until July, so doubtful by then methinks
  6. Yea, all the Greta's of the world can bang on all the want. Equally all the pound shop Alex Jones grifters can bang on about elites, Globalists, WEF etc But fact is, it's a booming industry on the way back since covid. Higher fares haven't put no one off, the airlines are coining it in, as anyone who's booked a flight recently can attest to.
  7. It is nonsense, yes! The facts speak for themselves, near enough every airline going is increasing their fleets. 'Green' eco advocates can call for whatever they want, and no dubt will continue to do so. Likewise can grifters such as Katie Hopkins and other conspiracy nutters, whatever is fashionable and will get them clicks and money. According to them the 'Globalists' will see to it that only the elite will be flying by 2030! You think that's going to happen? Reality is airlines are increasing their capacity. It's nonsense!
  8. Well they're not doing a great job, near enough every single airline i know of has ordered a new fleet, especially the cheaper ones like Ryanair or Easyjet. It's nonsense! Stay of the mental conspiracy sites, and stop listening to grifters like Katie Hopkins
  9. It's the only reason i came back, to laugh at @galenkia
  10. Got my first test done a month or so ago, after a lot of publicity from Chris Hoy going public. I can never understand anyone who's worried but won't get tested for whatever, HIV, Prostate whatever. I think generally speaking without exception, the earlier something gets diagnosed, the better the outcome.
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