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Everything posted by Sir_Fondles

  1. From my purchases at a supermarket, how can criminals use the information provided by the till receipt ?
  2. So what if France changes the laws and allows it to happen ?
  3. What freedom am I losing by having a paperwork trail of my purchases ? Maybe I need to withdraw some cash from the ATM and buy a tin foil hat.
  4. Naughty people stealing peoples credentials and draining their bank account has been happening since baby jesus was filling his nappy.
  5. Enjoying a coffee and some vegemite on toast whilst watching the gardeners do their thing in the yard.
  6. I love cashless and one thing I miss having moved back here.
  7. Can prolly register online I guess but lady at bank said could not get it set up until she has copy of work permit. Not overly concerned about just happy to have opened an account so that I can be paid on Thursday..... rest of the stuff will sort itself over tiime but main reason for internet banking was to transfer to my Kbank account as thats the one I pay my bills from.
  8. Still have my Kbank saving and credit accounts Needed a Bangkok Bank account for my employer for my salary to be paid into as for some reason paying into my kbank account was too much of a pain in the arse for finance. No internet banking or credit card from BKK bank until I show copy of work permit but have atm card which will be ok as work permit wil be finalised early next month.
  9. Just finished at the bank to open new account, fairly fast process but fuckers won't give me internet banking till I get my work permit !! Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  10. Anyone into old school wooden boat building this youtube channel of a 1910 Gaff Cutter being rebuilt is a good watch. Sampson Boat Co.
  11. plumbers crack mate, can also be found in Canberra.
  12. prolly takes meat between them buns often.
  13. At a metal stamping facility in Bangkok..... love the brute force and sound of the machinery. Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  14. Ordered pizza for dinner as woman is too tired to go forage for bugs and grass clippings.
  15. Enjoying an ice cold Leo whilst the woman is out foraging for tonights dinner.
  16. Tram not streetcar. If you do not like my posting you always have the option to put me on ignore instead of being your usual dickhead self. Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  17. Right, so not knowing what something and asking about it is trolling.. City I grew up in did not have them. You live in a strange world. Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
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