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Everything posted by lazarus

  1. Just don't be a smart ass in OK, USA... Oklahoma city ends face mask rule for shoppers after store employees are threatened "Store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse," the Stillwater city manager said. "There has been one threat of violence using a firearm." ...many of the people who objected to wearing the masks have "the mistaken belief the requirement is unconstitutional." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/oklahoma-city-ends-face-mask-rule-shoppers-after-store-employees-n1198736?cid=referral_taboolafeed
  2. Imagine how much money is at stake? Shut everything down and see who squirms the most. Then make new deals... Just good gov'mint in action.
  3. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-05-02/photos-of-raucous-protests-erupted-around-the-state
  4. Here's someone doing their best to help out. Could work out well for those sheltering in place solo... 😎
  5. C'est la vie... PARIS — French Health Minister Olivier Veran said people traveling into France, including French citizens returning home, will be placed in a 14-day quarantine as part of new extended proposals to limit the spread of the new coronavirus. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-france-quarantine/france-set-to-impose-14-day-coronavirus-quarantine-for-travellers-idUSKBN22E0KX
  6. I'm like you. I wear a mask shopping (it's the law here). Don't wear one when I'm out for walks. Keep my distance from other folks, though. I use hand sanitizer when I'm out and about if I touch any surfaces (shopping cart, door handles, ATM paypoint), and wash my hands thoroughly when I return home. My city has an emergency decree -- shelter in place & social distancing required. Our COVID-19 infections have been kept low, but it is definitely here. I read this last night and it does offer a perspective on what is likely happening. Worth looking at if for nothing else in that it is up to date. Infected with the coronavirus but not showing symptoms? A physician answers 5 questions about asymptomatic COVID-19 Blood tests that check for exposure to the coronavirus are starting to come online, and preliminary findings suggest that many people have been infected without knowing it. Even people who do eventually experience the common symptoms of COVID-19 don’t start coughing and spiking fevers the moment they’re infected. https://theconversation.com/infected-with-the-coronavirus-but-not-showing-symptoms-a-physician-answers-5-questions-about-asymptomatic-covid-19-137029?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3TeJ1UW5h90115qs996FHyoda9OyGVWgRcNpxF1qdAituYbxQ-Xpo78YI#Echobox=1588278804
  7. Chloroquine, yes. But that is a moot point as very few are talking about it now due to dangerous side effects, i.e., death. Reference: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30172-7/fulltext . . . Remdesivir is being used for criticality ill patients. "The Food and Drug Administration has granted remdesivir emergency use authorization to treat the most severely ill COVID-19 patients. The FDA action specifies the drug may be used for both adults and children with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses who are severely ill with low blood oxygen levels or who may be on a ventilator. "Given there are no adequate, approved, or available alternative treatments, the known and potential benefits to treat this serious or life-threatening virus currently outweigh the known and potential risks of the drug's use," the FDA wrote in a press release..." Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-grants-remdesivir-emergency-use-authorization-covid-19-n1197576
  8. I believe D.Trump and a few quack doctors thought this...about Chloroquine. Most others did not. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/04/former-fda-leaders-decry-emergency-authorization-malaria-drugs-coronavirus Remdesivir was already in the research pipeline for other "corona" viruses. https://www.fda.gov/media/137564/download Still, it's a crap shoot -- these drugs are mainly for "last resort" treatment of critically ill patients.
  9. Some positive news (maybe)... "The US Food and Drug Administration on Friday authorized remdesivir, an experimental antiviral drug, for emergency use to treat Covid-19. The authorization allows the intravenous drug to be distributed to doctors to administer to patients with severe disease, namely patients with low blood oxygen or those needing breathing assistance with a mechanical ventilator. Many health experts have had high hopes for the drug, which was initially developed by Gilead Sciences to treat Ebola, and it has since been used in experiments to treat the coronaviruses SARS and MERS. That early testing gave remdesivir a head start in the race for a treatment to Covid-19. But despite the release of some early study results this week, it’s still not clear how effective the drug is at fighting the virus, and more research is needed before it can be used as the default treatment..." https://www.vox.com/2020/5/1/21243012/remdesivir-coronavirus-covid-19-fda-drug-gilead
  10. That's exactly why CNN planted that story...so many people can relate!
  11. A little mid-air Hawk v. Crow "spat"... with an audience of Cedar Waxwings.
  12. No, I think you are the word "plucker"... Semantics have nothing to do with it. Sources for the latest official reported numbers: Data Sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY, JHU, RCP | Population: World Bank | Seasonal Flu 1: CDC/WHO 2017 Estimates
  13. Cooper is one of the few "well known" CNN broadacast anchors. He is LGBTQ. Possibly being gay and "having" a baby is intended as an uplifting human interest story. Not much happiness in the news these days.
  14. "Info-tainment" -- critical thinking skills come in handy. Usually, if you dig into their "stories" and check the reference links you can find legitimate background materials (not necessarily from "news" sources).
  15. COVID-19 shutdown protesters at the Michigan (US) state capital yesterday They want to get haircuts & to "dine-in" at the local pizza parlor...
  16. "Pass the Johnny Walker Black Gen. Somchai..."
  17. Drunk people often make bad decisions. Drunk Thai people make really bad decisions.
  18. Ask their grieving loved ones... I'm sure they don't care.
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