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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. Couple of real nasty sluts in that vid. I'd do em…...😜
  2. Same with Neil Diamond. Hit after hit. Wouldn't buy any of his stuff but like hearing those songs now. Doris Day....
  3. Yep Doris Day. A famous bird back in the day. America's sweetheart, girl next door type. RIP https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/obituaries/doris-day-death.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  4. Nacho Libre - RIP https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ny-silver-king-nacho-libre-dies-ring-dead-london-20190512-s247iuocindnpdu3sg7lzleb6i-story.html
  5. That looks damn good. I've never tried those lamb sticks like that. I'd pass on the brown sauce for the salad though. Probably a little Italian dressing which has been my go to ever since I can remember. I remember Wishbone Italian dressing as far back as any product I can.
  6. Grass and the struggle for a great lawn is something that I have hated since I was a kid. The amount of work that goes into it is ridiculous. Just not worth it. It is another ridiculous thing that we are brainwashed into. Buying the fertilizer, lawn mowers, etc. is big biz. FFS now matter having a nice lawn you are a slave to putting that fertilizer on it every year. Pain in the ass.
  7. Yes... I like mix and reasonable balance. They seem to have it, usually, for my liking. I'll take what they have on offer any day over what they have over here. I do get a bit irritated with Russians with strollers blocking the sidewalk forcing you into the road as they gawk at the stuff being sold to vendors. I'm not sure why they entice them to go somewhere so hardcore. Always get a kick when sitting in front of Frog bar watching the families stroll past.
  8. What a band, what great music. I turn into a rhythm stick when I hear their music. Great for dancing.
  9. lol.... then I saw this post. Good for you. Your salads along with those mouth watering steaks make it scrumptious.
  10. I'd say Thump is a true steak lover. 😍
  11. Fabulous pic Gal. Don't take this wrong.... I am not into you or gay, but that pic is hot. lol
  12. Looks awesome. Brit written all over it. 😍
  13. One thing I would really like to getting back to, when I reach the point where I can have it. A few tomato plants and a dog or two.
  14. That looks great. Could eat a few plates of that. salad with olives looks scrumptious.
  15. Yes like it. I like cottage cheese with a lot of things. Typically with some Lawry's seasoning salt. They also have a restaurant in Chicago. The best prime rib meal I've ever had....
  16. Mix some in season Georgia peaches with those straws and cream. Wow !
  17. Thanks. Next rip I'll be going there for some.
  18. Nice looking bread there. I need to pick up a nice quality loaf of rye.
  19. I've mentioned this before. Once had some potato salad at a Babydolls party, catered by The Big Kahuna. It was the best I've ever had. Not had it at their shop though, not sure if they are even still open.
  20. Yep, on pulled pork sandwich it's great.
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