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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. Not in the Pattaya area, but a bike path in Nakhon Phanom made the news. Unsafe new Mekong riverside cycling path closed A new cycling path along the Mekong riverbank has been closed after part of it collapsed only two days after an inaugural cycling event to promote tourism. The cycling path, in Muang district, is about 1.1 kilometres long and only recently built, and was still awaiting acceptance by the provincial hall. A viewpoint section about 50 metres long collapsed on Tuesday. Engineers from the Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning examined the path's structure and found many structural cracks and a mudslide had already affected its foundation. The engineers said the structure as built could not withstand the riverbank erosion caused by recent heavy rain. The collapse occurred only two days after the Tourism Authority of Thailand and local authorities held a cycling event along the path on Sunday to promote local tourism. Chanchai Sribenja of a Nakhon Phanom cycling club said on Friday that cycling events organised alongside the Mekong River in Nakhon Phanom were popular with local tourists. The collapse of the new cycling path could have a negative impact. Enforcing construction standards would be an effective solution, he said.
  2. Work continues on the underground cable project. Drilling under the road on the north side of Klang near the Buakhao intersection.
  3. It's been six days since I last checked in on the Easy R-Con open sewer project status. First thing I noticed is they added another concrete box on the Buakhao end. Looks like the addition is where the shutoff valves will reside. And a good guess is this section of pipe will be going here. Other end of the box they're working on the support framework for the sewer grates.
  4. Beach Rd has the same set up, but can't cope with the volume of water. Same as the silly water channels they built into the low points on Beach Rd with the misguided hope the rain water would ignore the physics of volume vs sq cm area and conveniently drain into the channels rather than rip embarrassing channels through the beach sand to the sea.
  5. Lee Iacocca, who helped create the Ford Mustang and then rescued Chrysler in the 1980s, has died https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/02/business/lee-iacocca-obituary/index.html
  6. They're now backfilling around the Easy R-Con open sewer project. Sure hope they're going to use more than just sand as a road base. Wonder if they'll move the garbage can, or just bury it. With the backfill in place you get an idea of how the new road surface level will impact the businesses on either side. I'm leaving Pattaya for a five day holiday. Hopefully others walking around the area over the next couple of days can post pics of the progress.
  7. I did a search on Google Play store and found the app (link). The description is in Thai, but Google Translate to the rescue came up with this. Police i lert u is a mobile application for the general public in Thailand. Can press to ask for help from the police by sending personal information, photos of the incident time and the location of the incident to the War Room, where police officers are waiting for the matter 24 hours a day and will coordinate to send police officers to help And provide immediate service Edited to add: App was released in 2015. Police launch crime-emergency app
  8. Perhaps the opening is on July 5, 2025, the next time the 5th falls on a Saturday.
  9. Today's update on the Easy R-Con open sewer project. Looks like the black piping is for some kind of system that makes use of the two smaller holes. I'm not sure, but the black pipe poking out from under Buakhao looks like it taps into the city water system. Maybe they plan on syphoning off the "clean" storm water into the city's water system. <joking> Back in April I snapped a pic of the project board. It didn't make much sense at the time as the project was still a muddy, water filled hole in the ground. Now that the box is completed I can match up the overhead view in the design to what they built. You can see the concrete piping in the upper right of the design, and below that, piping that utilizes the two smaller holes. The mystery deepens as to their function; perhaps a freshwater system to aid in the removal of accumulated debris? And at the other end, a fresh load of sand to help cover up all the construction debris.
  10. Noticed last night they had uncovered the small outflow holes.
  11. Note too how it's a slight uphill climb for the water in that last section. I wouldn't be surprised if the outflow becomes another inflow to the box.
  12. Today's task at the Easy R-Con open sewer project, hook up the outflow drain to the Buakhao storm water system. Wonder what the black, plastic pipe will be used for. Still don't know what the two smaller outflow holes were for, but no matter, they've now been backfilled with sand. Hope they remembered to plug the holes first. Form now in place for concreting the top of the inflow drain. The worksite is quite a mess on this end.
  13. It's a composite. It probably would have held up fine over a longer time if it was just foot traffic, but it wouldn't be a far stretch to guess the Thai's drove trucks over the walkway which that material was never designed to support.
  14. When I saw your pics I thought it was unusual to see what looks like fresh snow on the higher elevations around you. Then I saw this article... Colorado's snowpack is 40 times normal after rare summer solstice dump Due to the new snow Friday into the weekend, the Natural Resources Conservation Service reported that the state's snowpack ballooned to 4,121 percent above normal as of Monday. This number is so high because ordinarily very little snow is left by late June, and cold temperatures late into the spring helped preserve what fell earlier.
  15. Easy R-Con open sewer project now has a concrete top. It's now been about five months for the workers to build what amounts to nothing more than a concrete box. Since they have openings for what will probably be stormwater grates on top, the idea the smaller outlet openings are for air vents doesn't seem plausible. If these are openings for stormwater grates, it seems odd they would have them on both sides of the box.
  16. A BM on PT thought if the box was airtight, the smaller holes might be to allow air in as the water moves out. Sounds plausible to me.
  17. A couple of pics from today of them installing the outflow drain at the Easy R-Con open sewer project. Looks like they remembered to include a bit of a downhill tilt to the drain. There's two other, smaller outflow holes I'm not sure what the purpose is.
  18. Better put your laundry out to dry again, another storm rolling in from the south.
  19. Not much rain, but at 14:15 heard a crack of lightning nearby and lost power for over 1 1/2 hours.
  20. The Avenue's new decorative concrete walkway The simulated wood looks good Shame they didn't use the same on the Bali Hai walkway.
  21. Southend, half of the wooden walkway that's been falling apart has been removed. Odd they didn't remove the rest.
  22. I live near Klang and Suk. Just stuck my hand out the window and it got wet. Not very wet though. Think the center of this storm will miss Pattaya. source: http://weather.tmd.go.th/svp120Loop.php
  23. Easy R-Con open sewer project update. Top of the left side looks like it might end up flush with Buakhao road surface, but the right side is looking a bit too high. If you extend the sight line out from the top of the concrete form you get an idea how far back on the soi they'll have to backfill to make the road surface level with the top of the box. It looks like if they do raise the road surface it's going to negatively impact a few shop entrances.
  24. The TR's were a great resource for me as a noob back in 2008. Two BM's TR's that stood out were by One Day and Norcalkid. I know Norcalkid is still coming here on holidays, but wonder how One Day is doing.
  25. Here's a series of pics I snapped of the WIP. When you look at the lack of surface prep, it's no surprise Soi Pothole is living up to its name. 25 Dec they start digging out the old surface. 27 Dec the surface removal is complete. And then it stayed in that condition for almost a month. 24 Jan they finally start laying down the new surface starting from the 3rd Rd end. 27 Jan they finish off the last bit in front of the Triangle Bar. No attempt was made to sweep the road surface clean, they just put the asphalt down over whatever garbage had accumulated. 12 Days later, 8 Feb, the first pothole appears.
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