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Everything posted by Sir_Fondles

  1. on the TT website the AUD is currently at 20.46... a quick check of TW a transfer of $1000 gives me a rate of 20.68 after fee's.
  2. Not wanting to carry cash I left my car purchase money in my Aus bank account...... feckin fx keeps dropping and I need to transfer it . Shoulda carried the cash.
  3. Hahahahahaha, f**k me !! https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/09/business/walmart-violent-video-games/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1_4d4FjZiPSvOAqjsWj--tdjEkdLAfBTgy0moMUiZhjDIFp3sZqAoUME4
  4. The missus cooked some rice slop for dinner, tastes ok I guess.
  5. Cold beer out in the garden after a long day at Ford, rinse and repeat tomorrow with another day at their other manufacturing facility.
  6. And today marks the 8500th day since Australia had a mass shooting use an automatic or semi automatic gun !!
  7. Call of duty - Modern warfare is being released soon....prolly just getting in some practice in readyness.
  8. Downloading Team America been a while since ive watched it.
  9. Given Trump is a short sighted fool never say never !!
  10. Now that the US has pulled out of the nuclear treaty with Russia how long till Trump presses the button ?
  11. putting mass shootings aside for a second I heard there is over 100 gun related deaths every day in America (happy to be corrected) if thats the case thats insane..... what the hell is wrong with you people ?
  12. Good idea to avoid the USA, too many whack jobs with guns over there.
  13. These little shoot up things over there in the America always reminds me of this song.
  14. That thoughts and prayers should be one word with a hash tag up front if you are going to postit on social media
  15. Stopped at Numchai on the way home from foodland to buy a beer fridge, 3 lads just showed up to deliver and install it. Can't complain about the service !!
  16. Weekly grocery shopping, damn do I hate shopping !! Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  17. Thanks, never knew the profits from the sale of a house had to stay in country..... Another whacky Thailand rule/law !!
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