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Everything posted by Esco

  1. If I don't get it under the government scheme, which I think I should as I pay social security, and if my company doesn't provide the vaccine to us expats as a common courtesy, I'll buy it myself after the effectiveness has been properly substantiated.
  2. I don't think the Thais would allow it, not so much in your face and at the scale of Pattaya anyway
  3. Doesn't sound that much different already... A walk through the city once known for its boom from Chinese investments presents a different scenario: abandoned unfinished construction buildings, unoccupied apartments, guesthouses, hotels, supermarkets shuttered restaurants and casinos.
  4. 11 teams playing twice? Shouldn't that be an even number?
  5. Soi LK Metro is small in comparison to Soi 7 and 8 combined though. I remember 15 odd years ago these sois were party central every night. The bars are still there for the most part just no more girls or customers sadly.
  6. Don't recall ever drinking wine above $100. That's usually already top of the range in most recent restaurants eg Chateau Neuf du Pape and something I only do when corp is picking up the check. It's nice now and again but for daily table wine you should indeed be able to get s very decent drop for $25.
  7. Don't want to go completely off topic but Scotch is the name for all whisky coming out of Scotland, some smokey (peated) but most aren't smokey at all. I like Jamesons too but a good Scotch like Glenfiddich or Macallan is miles better and definitely worth a try although ridiculously expensive here.
  8. Just had a nice and fish and chips dinner on the dark side with coffee cup n all. It was very quiet though. You have to wonder how long even the best run places are able to survive with this ridiculous non-alcohol rule.
  9. Woohoo top of the league!
  10. Just enough points to scrape by @Lemondropkid in the H2H 🙂
  11. I've received an extensive wine list for retail from Aroy Pub & Resto. Happy to post or PM if anyone is interested. Word of warning: there's no 350 baht wines on there lol.
  12. Maybe PCR tests are not the right way to assess their effectiveness against the virus? Just a thought..
  13. Countries like Thailand probably won't open their borders until every citizen is vaccinated, and even then they may insist quarantine given the various strains out there, in which case you can write off 2021 already.
  14. Nope. Sean is well known in this town but not Skeeter, and the guy who posted that rant is Bryan another well known figure in town.
  15. The Sean guy he's referring to was from that Pastrami on Rye gaff. Other than that hardly much info on Skeeter.
  16. So where the 1000s of deaths Thailand should be having with a population of 70 million? Where are the hospitals full with covid patients? You can't have one without the other.
  17. I see you're a glass half full to the brim kind of guy lol.
  18. That's a very good price. Could you be a tad more specific as to location?
  19. Aye the tapas trays are a proper ripoff here mate, nevermind the cheese!
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