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Esco last won the day on January 6 2021

Esco had the most liked content!

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  1. It appears my reply got deleted. The new ethos in action for you. That's me checking out. Cheers
  2. How much is True per month for football?
  3. Had a couple bottles of Red this week. All very reasonably priced at 399 baht each except the Bordeaux which was 660, but what a beauty.
  4. Personal tranny? Not very nice calling him cheap like. As long as you keep your business in the park I guess you're not hurting anyone.
  5. Of course it is Bryan. A warm welcome to the forum.
  6. Glad to see all the support the Addicts take-over is getting from all these well established members who've contributed so much to this forum.
  7. No better dessert than an Irish coffee..
  8. Just 2 points I'll be back on the whores before you know it.
  9. I feel so much better now.
  10. Kicking myself for benching Gundogan.
  11. Had this delivered from Kilkenny the other day. Superb roast lamb and only 175 baht.
  12. It does come with complementary WiFi lol
  13. Mae Sot mentioned in the news here as a potentially new Covid hot spot. Makes you think twice about what happened in that mall... https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2063727/chinese-new-year-could-lead-to-spread-of-bug
  14. Here on the dark side the bars around the lake were visibly busy and doing a good trade. I only had a couple pints at the Oasis myself as I had gotten smashed with the neighbors on Friday already. Like Boydeste said everyone's been locked up for so long it's no surprise town was busy-ish. You can also expect folks from Bangkok to have come down for a wee party.
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