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karon steve

Advanced Stage 5
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Everything posted by karon steve

  1. Twas a long time ago that I went on the lash with cash but I remember not only an empty wallet but a pocket full of shrapnel.
  2. Roughly what is the price for this? I am thinking of getting a Patek Philippe next trip.
  3. Ironic is it not that we are being urged to buy electric cars and then get a discount if we do not charge them during peak times. If there are possible electricity shortages what will happen when we all drive our EV's to save the planet? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65915346
  4. I hope that they had similar bums and not the one's I regularly see in my local high street. They've got some cheek.
  5. Sisyphus taking a toilet break.
  6. I wonder if she is related to Francisco "Django" Bustamente as car racing isn't cheap.
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