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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. Two days in a row this one whacked me hard in the forehead while on my bike. I couldn't see it because the green blended in. Then yesterday it bloomed. Even better today.
  2. Now that is hitting below the belt. 5555555555555555 !
  3. Treasury I-bond rates have been creeping up (4-5% range). Very safe and easy investment. Stair step the purchases and it can add up. Liquid, easy and safe.
  4. There are times when I wish for less humidity. Travels during this time of year are planned for the future. But I never for one second regret or doubt my decision to live here. Best thing I've ever done.
  5. I bet you were elated ! Must have smelled wonderful also.
  6. Used to drive through these tunnels several times a year. Always amazed me. Also can be very tricky entering/exiting during inclement weather.
  7. Good to keep those things in a little dehumidifier. They have a stone that soaks up the water. You change the stone every now and then. Can add years to them.
  8. Agreed. April was an awful month this year. Although the sky here is lovely today, and things are beginning to blossom. Will be heading to the gym soon. Maybe get a couple of pics on the way. Then back to Chang, YT and slobbering on the couch cushion. Things could be worse I reckon, I could be back in the States. Utter hell. I haven't gotten my electric bill yet, but I am predicting it will be 5k+. Not happy about it but I budget for it. Sucks Dog damn door and window fittings are so loose and the sun is relentless. Couple more years and the travel budget will be replenished. Then just shut down the house and go elsewhere for those 3 months. France/England/Scotland, Greece, Colombia and Vietnam are on the list.
  9. During the initial onslaught of covid I lived in VT6. Primarily because of its proximity to Central where I could quickly walk over for supplies. This was important to me at the time because of the overall uneasiness and uncertainities of the quickly changing rules and policies. I remember walking through the gauntlet in the LL (2nd Road side) which was next to the entrance of the grocery store (high class Topps I believe). At the time they had stacked piles of Durian at the entrance. So basically after walking through a sometimes nerve wracking fever check and stern eyeballing you were greeted with a overwhelming scent of shit. Let the good times roll !
  10. Same same. With the purchase of two seats the extra costs could be into the thousand$$.
  11. I'll meet you in the 3rd stall, main floor toilet, Waterloo station, 10am sharp, Friday. 55555 !
  12. Late this afternoon while returning from my gym following a workout I encountered a tight turn in a congested area while on my beloved bicycle. At that moment I deployed full breakage when observing a Thai lass walking along with her cuter than pie toddler. I just stopped, stood prone and patiently let them passt, all along with a respectful, yet focused smile on my face. The young lady looked down as if not to see me, but I knew that wasn't possible. She was focused on her little one, but my presence certainly hovered. As I began to pass her I maintained my intent to focus on her with a fixed smile. She looked up just briefly. but as she looked down I could see a lovely smile not meant to be seen. That smile made my day.
  13. Hearing devices of that level are something to not go cheap on, that's for sure. I think there are times we both need them. I've seen up close and personal for many years how quality is of the absolute with those things.
  14. ^^^ de Gaulle. Jesus. What a cnut he was. I can see why a lot of blokes don't care for frogs.. Cheers
  15. So did Lauren Boebert. Who dropped a load in the theartre.
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