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Everything posted by boydeste

  1. Just had dinner with my mum, now relaxing with a nice cup of tea.
  2. John is a creature of habbit. BUT if it's good then why not?
  3. Sat in Witherspoons drinking Abbot ale at £2.29 a pint.
  4. If he maintains his form it will be one way trafic in the final too me thinks!
  5. Just settled down for the night, watching Dragons den right now.
  6. Shit, is that on already, I am watching Skyfall, must try harder.
  7. Drinking Guiness watching James Bond.
  8. You can silver solder most Stainless as long as you have a good flux.
  9. I think it is a privately owned road so down to the residents to put up the coin, hence why it's never been done properly.
  10. The soi is a disgrace. Can't see them doing a proper job any time soon.
  11. Just off for a shave and shower as been lounging about all day.
  12. You should, she is a joy to be with!
  13. I bought her a couple of drinks last week for old time sake!
  14. I don't do fish, but isn't that a tad burnt, or should it be cooked that way?
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