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Everything posted by Lirchenfeld

  1. Milky white sea at Danish island Møn. It is a result of a recent limestone cliff collapse on the island.
  2. Whisky? It is a method to ruin a lovely discount cola from Lidl, and why would you want to ruin that. Lidl's freeway colas are fine as they are.
  3. What did the sperm donor say when he cancelled his appointment at the sperm bank? I can't come.
  4. Made me curious. Did a google search, and some google translate. Apparently it originates from a restaurant in Koh Chang called Fisherman's Hut. https://thaimaansuomalainen.com/keksittiinko-finnish-breakfast-koh-changilla/ translated version: https://thaimaansuomalainen-com.translate.goog/keksittiinko-finnish-breakfast-koh-changilla/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp One of the restaurants at Munich Airport used to do something similar. If I remember correct they called it Hangmans Meal or something. It was a piece of dry bread, a glass of water and a cigarette.
  5. Reminds me of the time I went out to buy a new computer in the early 1990's. The PC was on sale and came with a collection of 10 CD-roms. The shop assistant pointed to a crate and said I could select the disk from there. The disks were either demos, shareware games or porn pictures from various BBS. Being a 14-16 year old hormone filled teenager I naturally chose 10 porn cd's. 😁
  6. Must have been sometime in 199? Can't remember which one it was. Gave most of my cd collection to a charity shop.
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