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About Tommaso_Turek

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  1. Not Pfizer thanks. Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else. There is practically NO evidence that this “vaccine” is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: mRNA or DNA or spike protein. It means this “vaccine” has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn’t developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement from governments or health institutions has been made. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program. (State of The Nation). ONLY Sinovac or SputtieV for me..
  2. Not all of us have the will-power of a cockroach.
  3. Depenc=des which one, eh. Say Pfizer? No thanks. Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else. There is practically NO evidence that this “vaccine” is gene therapy. There is ZERO genetic material: mRNA or DNA or spike protein. It means this “vaccine” has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn’t developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statement from governments or health institutions has been made. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to stop the global vaccination program. (State of The Nation). I'll wait for Sinovac or SputtieV.
  4. In the high speed blender.. 1 tsp. sugar free cocoa.. (arteries stay flexible from nitric oxide), 5 gms buffered vitC. (C pwdr buffered with 10% magnesium carbonate for gut comfort. (Boosts killer white blood cells CD4, CD8 and CD14 leucocyte activity. Clark H R. PhD ND). Banana, (potassium and carbs), pineapple slice, (bromelain), papaya slice, (pepsinase), 1 cup raw goat milk, when available. Bunch of Moringa shoots, leaves, stem from planted tree. (adaptogen). 2 tbs raw peanuts for organic germanium and organic selenium needed with VitC. and.. resveratrol, (artery protection). Peanuts kept in deep freeze to prevent aflotoxin mold. Ensure blender mix does not heat up, as blender blades will release cyto-toxic chromium and nickel. Gently stirred in to this are 2 raw egg yolks, (shells well washed in very hot water, whites cooked later). Chance of salmonella.. 1 in 30K. 1 tbs raw rolled outs, (regularity). 1 tsp pressed pumpkin seed oil. (prostate health). Take additional 8K VitD3. Weird? Nah. at 83, I'm med free and scan confirmed CLEAN arteries. In the Health Industry since 1961.
  5. Get your own protection from Vit.D3. The get to the suggested blood levels of D3 of 120ngm/mL one needs to 'supplement', (such a dirty word by quacks and diet icians) of Vit. D3. 8-10,000iu/d. At 10K I developed slight dizziness and nausea, signs of elevated blood Ca, so I dropped the dose to 8K. If you watch for these signs, you won't need expensive and continuous blood checks, which in any case are based on the old 60ngm/mL optimum. Here. YouTube. MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY. Professor Roger Seheult, MD explains the important role Vitamin D may have in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Seheult isa lead professor...
  6. Haven't measure it since a freebie at a Health conference in Hawaii in 1979.. nor any other meaningless, expensive blood profiles. All grains are high in lectin plant phenols, chemicals that desensitize cell membranes to insulin, causing insulin over production. Grains are also high in leptin plant hormones that interrupt signaling between the liver and pancreas, causing insulin disruptions. These 2 cause obesity and diabetes2. Wheat and most other grains raise blood sugar even without the glyphosate. A slice of organic whole wheat bread raises blood sugar more than a candy bar. Zero grain and sugar diet for me, thanks.
  7. Sorry, I don't drink alcohol. Active meditation makes the mind STRONG and calm.
  8. ZERO sugar and GRAINS.. diaetes2 reversals have been documented in ONE WEEK. Grains? Doesn't the'Healthy Eating' advice advise to stuff ourselves with grains all day? Sure, but their calories, cholesterol, food groups and pyramid, and RDAs are outdated and proven nonsensical theories. The Food Pyramid is heavily biased towards starches and heavily against FAT and meat. Hence, the current crisis we are in. The Food Pyramid was published in the Public School science books about the same time GMO's were made legal for human consumption!! Yet All grains are high in lectin plant phenols, chemicals that desensitize cell membranes to insulin, causing insulin over production. Grains are also high in leptin plant hormones that interrupt signaling between the liver and pancreas, causing insulin disruptions. These 2 cause obesity and diabetes2. Wheat and most other grains raise blood sugar. A slice of organic whole wheat bread raises blood sugar more than a candy bar. Grains are high in carbs that fatten. Digested carbs 1st top-up muscle and liver glycogen, stored sugar. The rest is rapidly converted to bodyfat in the cells' mitochondria via the Krebs cycle. Digested fat only slowly converts to useable energy molecules in the liver. Grains raise artery-calcifying tri-glycerides, are high in phytates that block calcium and iron absorption. White flour has residual chlorine from bleaching that depletes immune-boosting body-stores of selenium.
  9. Barenboim and Stern,. Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn. Any culture types here?
  10. It wasn't even GF.. just a patsy.. GF died of O/D in Tennessee 3 years earlier according to his lawyer.. this was a CIA/deep state construct. GF was 6ft6in. The patsy was shorter than one of the cops. There were a TOTAL of 54, (FIFTY FOUR) anomalies. Search. ''Rense. CIA Derek Chauvin False Flag Fake TV Trial - Read By Miles Mathis 4-26-21''.
  11. Not new in Thailand. I bought my place in Kamala 31 years ago when I still lived in HK. New to the forum, yes.. just curious of the mind set of this forum's readers. I get more positive comments on this subject when I comment on Sputnik News, Fox, Daily Mail etc. Small minds are 2 a penny here, it seems.
  12. If they didn't care a rats, why would I get a single response.. and not get BANNED by you? How about the hollow Earth, then? Try ''The Weird Closet ..The Strange “Hollow Earth” Case of Admiral Richard Byrd''.
  13. According to the Plejaran, with whom Swiss Meier is in contact, (for the open minded).. we will have UFO tech within 200 years at our present rate of development.. keeping in mind that part of the ets mission was to help us along in science and meds.. eg.. Galileo, Einstein, Tesla, Watson and Crick. Galileo's telescope's optics built with maths way beyond that time, Einstein, a patent office Clerk wrote up the maths of the Creational Laws, and only recently proven was his.. action of atomic particles near absolute zero. Tesla designed electronic circuits with components invented decades later, and.. Watson and Crick, walking in an English forest, somehow 'envisioned' the DNA double helix.
  14. There's MUCH more on Mars than nasa will tell. The U of AZ was tasked with nasa's 1984 Mars THEMIS Mission. No doubt under nasa's strict instructions they erased evidence of previous civilizations.. but not before researcher Richard Hoagland's team had downloaded the original data. See the ancient Mars cities here and scroll down for the expose. . Search. and write in FULL.... ''THEMIS Infra-red images of Cydonia Ghost Town... and The Darkness by Richard Hoagland from EnterpriseMission website.' and.. ''SearchGate. Digital imagery analysis of unusual Martian surface. Dr. Mark J Carlotto. General Dynamics''. (the FACE)! Cities? Mars was thrown out of its Goldilocks orbit in 195,960BC, when the 3rd inhabited Planet in our Sol System, Milona/Phaeton was destroyed in a local war. It's remains formed the Asteroid Belt. Tens of millions of humans died on both Planets. Precise data from ET in they fly dotcom, (data is in the 20,000 pages, recorded in over 1700 face to face chats since 1943). Wiki has a good write up on Phaeton, one astronomer surmising Phaeton exploded from internal forces.. which ties in with the et's data, that one side accidentally split the Planet's crust with an explosion, causing the sea to rush into the hot magma and destroy the Planet
  15. Here's the Wednesday uFO bulletin.. only for the open minded. Who/what captured young Cessna Pilot Valentich, flying out of Melbourne one night. His open microphone was recorded by the Control Tower In the Discovery Channel review of this incident, one can hear the metallic 'clunk', when the giant UFO 'locked-onto' Valentich's Cessna.. then, silence. Search.. (Disappearance of Frederick Valentich - Wikipedia). What about the Giant UFO that played cat and mouse with Japan Airlines747 freighter? There are several video reconstructs of this case. Search.. ''Japan Airlines Flight 1628 incident - Wikipedia''. Re The MH370 disappearance. The active radar chart, that was on the Global Research site, but has now been shortened/edited(!!). A giant ufo crossed the screen at 2K mph. and stopped at the top right corner. MH then turned steeply L and R, dropped to sea level at an impossible rate.. then shot forward and then disappeared! Military radars in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia should have picked that up, as even with the Transponder switched OFF, echos are sent back from the metal target. IMO, that was an abduction
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