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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. Good idea. One of my best pals owned a bar for 30 years. Never changed a thing. Got the place running proper and ran it well. Steady loyal customers for decades. Why f**k up a good thing ?
  2. Nice little plate. I need to find some good quality precooked forozen fish.
  3. That sounds good. Spinach salad with some avacodo, walnuts and cranberries. Always lovely.
  4. https://www.chicagotribune.com/dining/craving/ct-food-deep-dish-pizza-tips-chicago-unos-dues-labriola-craving-20190730-m3yfh2qjijgovbk6qvhuyeht4y-story.html A nice guide for "deep dish" lovers.
  5. Many of us are trying very hard to change that.
  6. 🙄 dont appreciated the post. i'll respond as I see fit. dont post insulting stuff. and dont tell me how to post.
  7. People would give a f**k if they were family or a first responder. Those types of incidents are very truamatic for a community.
  8. dont appreciated the post. i'll respond as I see fit. dont post insulting stuff. and dont tell me how to post.
  9. Laughing about mass murder. No more needs to be said about your character.
  10. I saw that also. When they put on stuff they load it, cover it completely. Must be green peppers. I go with sausage. They cover the entire pie. Gio and Gino's East have the best deep dish pies in the world - IMO.
  11. Another far right f**k job who cant deal with life goes nuts.... WTF is wrong with these fucks ???!!!!! https://www.thedailybeast.com/gilroy-garlic-festival-shooting-suspect-santiago-legan-posted-about-far-right-book-moments-before-shooting?ref=home
  12. Now there's a song/album. I can listen to their music for hours.
  13. Man I love that song. Doesn't matter how many times i've heard it.
  14. That ought to keep your gut filled for a while.
  15. Yep. Never had a bad meal in there. Always quiet with comfortable tables and friendly staff, great menu too.
  16. Das Berliner for my schnitezl. Few steps walk from the hotel, qualtiy nice clean AC. Worth the few baht xtra than making the walk to somewhere cheaper. Many folks only look at the price and don't input the other factors.
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