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Everything posted by thumper63

  1. This started out as nachos with a cheese sauce but evolved into a type of nacho pie really fast. Was very tasty. Combine everything together and into the over for 30 minutes. Let set for a few minutes so you dont burn the hell out of the roof of your mouth. Then dive in. Was great for the Sper Bowl.
  2. Perfectly good sense.... and thank you. It's a pretty gutsy move on your government's behalf to go out on the proverbial limb like that. But it seems that time has proven it to be a wise decision.
  3. I haven't been around for awhile and I don't really understand anything about the delaying of the 2nd shot. Could you enlighten me on this please.
  4. Right after getting the shot I was given a card with my name, time an date of first jab and the time and date that I will receive the second shot. I was also asked if these times and dates were acceptably and I said ofcourse. I also went out of my way to thank all the volunteers for everything that they did. They were great.
  5. Well I got my first shot yesterday. It was a very smooth and efficient process. I had missed my first 3 invites as I didnt see/open up the emails soon enough. Obviously they fill up very fast. I was given a choice of 3 different locations in which to receive my shot. Once chosen, I was then given a choice of time slots between 7am to 5pm ( this was on a Saturday) Each time slot was 15 minutes. I picked 2:15pm. Not sure how many people it took to fill a time slot. It was all very well run and I was in and out in just a few minutes. I was told to be there 10 minutes early. I was also told to not come too early as no one could jump ahead in line. Everyone stays in their cars. It was kind of like a great big drive through car wash. Except at the end you got out to get your jab. Very efficient indeed. After the shot you waited in your car in the parking lot for 15 minutes to make sure there were no adverse effects or reactions to the shot. Then I was given the ok to go home. All in all.... a very pleasant experience.
  6. I have signed up for the vaccination here in Durango. I am in the A-2 group due to my age. Hopefully it will happen in the next 3 to 4 weeks. San Juan Basin Health ( who is the overseer of all such things big and small ) will contact me to set the date.
  7. I haven't checked in in awhile... But it seems nothing has changed
  8. We have canceled our trip up north to see the grandchildren for Christmas. Same as we did for Thanksgiving last month. It bothered the GF very much because of not being able to see her kids but she also understands the potential risks to everyone around us. As the stats have shown after the Thanksgiving holiday travel flair ups.... the risks are real. Here in our small town we had 92 new cases yesterday and went from 2 deaths in October to 22 deaths mid December. Am I afraid.... Hell No. Do I believe this is real.... you bet I do. Do I practice all the guidelines suggested by health experts.... yes I do. And to tell you the truth I don't find it to be much of an inconvenience. My life hasn't really changed all that much because of all this virus stuff. But then I'm pretty much a loner anyway and haven't been frequenting bars in many years. I stay connected with friends and family by social media whenever the urge hits me. The biggest inconvenience is that my Pattaya trips have been put on hold and having the realization that theres a damn good chance that Pattaya will never be the same little playground as it was precovid.
  9. I was very impressed with the size of these motes that they dug around most of the temples. As a matter of fact I was very impressed with the whole place. So much so that I have visited them 9 times.
  10. Hahaha.... yes, very much so. As you well know, she is a great little lady.
  11. Great fun to watch.... thanks guys. But I must admit that I'm terribly disappointed that the goat story was a lie. I must of repeated that story a thousand times to friends back home. Along with a detailed description of my first Soap Massage
  12. I love them. Always have. But I have had alot of very poorly cook sprouts in my time..its amazing how many people don't have a clue how to cook them.
  13. We too have gone into code red. Takeout only for restaurants and all bars closed. Mandatory facemasks inside an outside with a $45.00 dollar fine for first offense.
  14. The finished product is to die for. Now these pics show it to be a little rarer than it really was. It was actually at the rare to medium rare side. Which is exactly where I love it to be. I served on warmed plates to help keep it warm longer. This meal is absolutely delicious and incredibly simple.
  15. Thanksgiving dinner was a 4 pound Prime Rib, mashed potatoes an gravy and a string bean casserole. With a home made pecan pie and icecream. Ended up getting 3 more meals off that roast for the 2 of us. Damn it was good. Now I have done this new recipe several times and really like it. You preheat the oven to 500 degrees, cook the PR at 5 minutes per pound. ( Due to our high altitude I have upped that to 7 minutes per pound ). Then you turn the oven off and let the meat continue to cook for 1 1/2 hours. Absolutely no peaking!. Do not open that door. The rub for this monster is 2 sticks of room temperature butter, 1/4 cup horseradish, 2 tablespoons crushed peppercorns and Kosher salt. Smash all this together with a fork till blended. Heavily coat every side except the bottom. It's kind of like frosting a cake. place in a pan with a cooking rack. Very simple and damn near fool proof. Now for the sauce. 2 cups sour cream. 2/3s cup prepared horseradish sauce, drained 3/4 cup fresh chives coarsely chopped. Kosher salt and ground pepper. Mix well.
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