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Everything posted by Freee!!

  1. If there is a decent pool, I may (probably will) use it, but if it isn't there, it doesn't bother me. The last couple of trips to LOS were with the family and for the boys it is a must.
  2. Unfortunately Tom Scott has retired, but some of the YouTubers I like are: The Tim Traveller Bug Farmer sreetips
  3. Freee!!


    It isn't stored in a coldroom, it flows through a cooling installation but other than that it works more or less like tapwater.
  4. Freee!!


    Depends a bit on the temp of the water in the cooler. Starting it a bit earlier or adding some ice (doesn't have to be consumption grade) might be a good idea. I may not have been a pub landlord, but I've worked behind a bar and won same beer drawing competitions.
  5. One of the larger chains of oriental oriented supermarkets here in the Netherlands is called "Amazing Oriental". I happen to be a regular customer (20 kg of rice every couple of weeks, fish sauce, spring rolls and more).
  6. And sometimes you get lucky that way. I still remember that time (EVA Air, AMS-BKK) that prior to take-off a whole block next to the emergency exit was vacated by cabin crew (HKJ) for some reason and when I (two rows back, seat G) asked if I could move there with my long legs, they only asked if I would be capable and willing to handle that door in case of an emergency. I had a nice view of two good looking, young, female cabin crew sitting opposite me during take-off (and landing).
  7. Lovely oblique reference to electric sheep 😉
  8. Qatar is getting quite infamous.
  9. It's called old age. Still beats the alternative though.
  10. That only shows a majority/minority distribution, not percentages per country. And with only about 3% manual in the USA (from memory, I may be a bit off), that is rather extreme there. NB: The location of Aotearoa is at the very least questionable, not what I would expect in a topic about maps.
  11. Works in the USA, not so much in Europe.
  12. They probably did some computermodelling and divided the numbers they got by two.
  13. I know, I've only been hearing that for about 55 years. But with recent break throughs, I expect it within 20 to 30 years. I won't bet on anything in that regard within 15 years.
  14. Next time nuclear kicks in it will be fusion, not fission, so completely different cooling requirements.
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