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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. Great news. Glad it worked out for you and your Mrs.
  2. Just installed the app. Very cool! Only disappointment is they don't have any cameras covering the flood prone areas.
  3. Quite pleased with my expanded rain collection system. That one rainstorm and a single roofline gutter managed to fill 2500L in less than an hour. In the pic below, the 1000L tank is at the far back, the 1500L tank in the foreground. I expect the approx 10k baht I spent on the system to save me about 30B/month. It wasn't really about the savings, but a project to keep me busy.
  4. Happy days for the garden. The dry spell of the last two months has been broken with rain this morning.
  5. Well that changed quickly. Another line of thunderstorms has developed and moved in from the east. The thunder gods just announced their arrival with a nice crack of lightning and thunder overhead. No rain yet.
  6. Looks like my lady is worried about her plant walking away.
  7. Hearing rumblings from the west, offshore, but unfortunately it looks like that line of thunderstorms is moving in the wrong direction, away from Pattaya. On the plus side, with the cloud cover it feels much cooler outside.
  8. The bars facing each other at the top of Soi 7 are noted for the volume of their music blasting out into the soi. It's so bad I speed up to get past the bars as quick as possible. For the Las Vegas Beer Garden, if you sit near the entrance the volume when the live band kicks in isn't too bad. What helps with the building's acoustics is the insulation they've attached to the interior walls and ceilings. Prior to 9pm when the live band starts playing, the music volume is tolerable no matter where you sit.
  9. Don't know why they didn't just leave the pool right away and leave it to moma elephant to get her baby out. Most know, or should know, never get close to young wildlife when their mom is about.
  10. Thank you. Explains what was puzzling me about your first photo. I was trying to work out how you managed to get a shot of the wing surface of your plane, with no wing tip visible. With the Concorde's swept back wings extending to almost the tail of the plane, most windows would have a view of the wing.
  11. https://weather.tmd.go.th/bma_nkLoop.php Here's another radar loop that covers more of southern Thailand. Doesn't get to the far reaches of Ubon though. https://weather.tmd.go.th/skm240Loop.php This one just barely shows Ubon in the bottom right side. Looks like you're too far into the hinterlands to warrant radar coverage. https://weather.tmd.go.th/kknLoop.php
  12. Correction, water levels were much worse April, 2020. Fortunately it was during the pandemic so we didn't have any pesky tourists drinking what little water remained.
  13. Just heard something I haven't heard in close to a month, the rumbles of a thunderstorm. Unfortunately weather radar places the storm north of Pattaya.
  14. Good luck to the Mrs. on the interview. I've entertained thoughts on trying for a visa for my lady, but as we're not married figured it would be a waste of time and money.
  15. The heat hasn't affected my eating habits, it's my exercise routine that has been affected. I've never cared for indoor exercising, so the brutal heat has really put a dent in my usual exercise routine of a daily bike ride or walkabout. I also haven't been on a hash run for about six weeks as I can't see myself enjoying running around jungle trail in the later afternoon heat of the day.
  16. Interesting pic. Is the backstory of how you were able to get the shot interesting too?
  17. It's been too long since my last update here, so this morning got up early to get a ride in around Mabprachan before the heat of the day kicks in. In a nutshell, last time I saw the reservoir this low at this time of year was during the drought of 2015. Sure hope rainy season is good to us this year otherwise we're probably looking at water rationing later in the year.
  18. I'm not even aware if a site is ad happy as uBlock Origin blocks them for me.
  19. Scott Manley's channel is a very good channel for all things space related. This video is particularly good as he gives me a mention at the start.
  20. Thought this deserved a mention here as well. Amazing that this 17 year old girl fought off a bear to protect her dogs, and lived to tell about it.
  21. Now this a true dog lover. Fights off a bear to protect her dogs. Amazing!
  22. Points to old code that was in your local cache. I run into this quite frequently when I update code on websites I maintain. In Chrome CTRL F5 will force a complete page refresh including the cache, clearing out the old code and replacing it with the updated code.
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