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Everything posted by farangme

  1. Ahfuuck it I'll take it every week, only a flu. I'm suffering more every day with a trapped nerve in my back. Think I've had it. I'm in the Deadpool😄
  2. Naw, back to normal quickly, depending on exchange rate of course.
  3. Fantastic photos, hopefully things will get back to normal soon.
  4. All free up here and no water meters either,,🤫😄
  5. If it was a bloke you'd be swimming to get there. Is she nice, any upskirt shots?
  6. Told you mate, the UK could be a wonderful place to live if we had the great man in charge. Now we have Boris who's taking orders from the French.
  7. Job done, 2 ton of your finest rubble strewn about the road. f**k em.
  8. Got a van full of old wood, slates and rubble. Dumps shut so going our for a wee run and kick the stuff out the back of the van.
  9. Master race, quality people don't die easily. Well I did warn you.
  10. I'll be sitting on my arse doing f**k all but drinking 😅 and watching the death count increase.
  11. Correct, this is well planned to bring a new World order. We will be forcibly injected and micro chipped very soon this year. Yes, and the Queens a lizard and Trump's an arsehole.
  12. You're not listening to this pish from the Government are you? Mind you, your gaff is crawling with the virus isn't it. That's what you get when you cram every disease on earth into a concrete jungle. I've had a terrible flu for weeks, out later for a bit of spreading😃
  13. All fake news, just a people control exercise. It's not killed anybody they were on their way out anyhow. I don't go out here, Scots Women are mingers😀
  14. I know there's a thread for this but just as a reply Tommy, I believe Brexit will be extended until Corona is under control. Crystal ball to when that happens.
  15. I told you...lol I know the Thais, NOTHING will impede their rice bowl. Markets packed too. What should be happening here, Brits are frightened rats.
  16. Brexit will be cancelled. Another three years extension a certain. All part of the plan
  17. The Thai wai is poofy, be a man learn heils and goose-step. Back to sky news and the death count.
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