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Everything posted by Zambo

  1. I don't think they would have to be US citizens (could we wrong but in Singapore they wouldn't have to be Singaporean) but they would have to be work permit holders and have the required length of experience.
  2. Good, i watched it in one evening. Whether it is really Scandinavian Noire, as mentioned in the netflix recommendation email to me, or just a Swedish drama you can judge.
  3. Whether it is power plants or rivers there is no doubt i'm going to get the term wrong.
  4. I went on a 3 day cruise Sing-Penang-Sing a few years ago. I didn't see much disease except for a few cases of scurvy, but that's normal on such a voyage. Casino operating 24 hrs a day (let's not alert golfingboy)
  5. The Japanese are very Scotisized, take their love of Scotch whisky for example. So no big surprise they adapt the national dish as their own. Their national football team goalies also seem rubbish as if by homage. There the similarities end.
  6. Yours sounds much more healthy, perhaps Glasseye could hsve 2 as a treat
  7. I worked on a bridge once that had a high main span because there was a shipyard upstream that wanted the option to be able to take larger vessels. In that case protection was required at the piers for the vessels that could pass through. But in this case the size of vessel that hit the bridge wasn't meant to be there, defences could have been made downstream of the bridge. But the cost would be huge.
  8. Dumfries! You must have tried the national dish of scotland INGREDIENTS 1 Mars bars 1 cup plain flour 1⁄2 cup cornflour 1 pinch baking soda beer oil (for deep frying) DIRECTIONS Chill the chocolate bar by keeping it in the fridge, but don't freeze it. Mix the flours and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) together. Add beer (which gives a lighter until you get a batter with the consistency of thin cream. Heat the oil until a small piece of bread will brown in a few seconds, but don't allow to smoke. Remove wrapper (optional) from chilled chocolate bar. Coat completely in batter. Carefully lower into hot oil and fry until golden brown. Serve, with ice cream or french fries, if you're so inclined.
  9. Great pace. Metric about 4min 40sec/km - i think but that seems not quite to add up. How many of those do you do a year?
  10. I strictly follow savoury followed by sweet food planning and would never go back to pizza (even if artistic) after dessert.
  11. Yes "notifications" are pretty much an instruction to attend. Luckily that turned out to be dual purpose.
  12. I read he had 30 to 40 mins of CPR and his heart was beating by the time he was put in an ambulance. I hope this type of thing doesn't catch on.
  13. When i was a kid we had a terrier. Later that changed to a great dane,and a jack russel (little c**t!). In later years i jointly owned a dog with my west african gf, this was many years ago - Rocky he was called - named after our relationship (with the girl not the dog). I had to go back to the UK for 4 months so I left some money for the gf and of course some food money for Rocky (bones and rice was his diet which he loved as if he was living like a king). When i got back Rocky was as skinny as a greyhound and the gf was the opposite. I have to say she is in my list of top 10 gf's and Rocky is the top dog.
  14. Is that beer from Bangladesh? If so I hope it's better than Murree Beer (guaranteed glycerine free) from Pakistan. Having said that in emergencies and ice cold Murree Beer does have a place (Sindh Province for example)
  15. Just finished in the gym. Severe calorie deficit and my smart watch predicted i couldn't manage the 2km walk home. Should be ok now
  16. There will be ID, medical and death records of all people living in Gaza so i am sure at some stage a consensus on the casualty numbers will be reached. I doubt that the findings of the investigations will be that a satisfactory number of deaths was achieved. But to keep politics out of this let's look at statistics. Statistics are commonly found in a legal context where paid experts represent the prosecution and defense and will use the same data to argue opposite conclusions. The data set i see for this research is from 26 October to 10 November, a period of 15 days which are before the land invasion but don't start at the beginning of the bombing. It isn't explained why these dates were chosen - possibly they were the best fit to the theory. The data is shown as the cumulative total deaths plotted against date. The problem with using cumulative data is it smooths day to day variation, the variation when you add one day's data is dwarfed by the cummullative previous days data. There are better ways of looking for day to day variation than doing a cumulative chart that will minimise the variance. I can show the point: If you drink 8 pints of beer a day for 10 days on the 10th day the cumulative total will be 80 pints and the average per day is 8 pints. If you then drink 16 pints on day 11 the cumulative total is 96 pints but the average number of pints per day is 8.73 pints an increase of only 9% (well within the 15% margin the report author uses to illustrate the lack of variance in the data).
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