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Everything posted by roomark

  1. I parked on the arena itself that day pre-booked it and turned up at 3pm because someone was meant to be buying my ticket off FB he then called me to say he couldn't make it 😭😭😭 I wouldn't mind I turned down £95 on E Bay like a dick. I asked a tout in the end and he offered me £10 so I told him to f*** off and kept it in my pocket still got it to this day lol The concert was good, but not £220 worth haha.
  2. Saw The Mondays in 90 and 93 and I do follow their FB page, but I saw a pic of Bez now shaking his Marracas and WOW it looks like someone's Grandad up on stage trying to bounce about looked strangely wrong 🤣🤣🤣 Loved them in the day though
  3. June I saw Jay Z and Beyonce at The Etihad and got upgraded to Club Carter (front stage VIP) never seen so many good looking people 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 A few weeks later I went to see Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) at The Manchester Arena I had a spare for that too, four rows from the front but no one wanted to come because it was midweek and the same day as the England game. Both gigs brilliant.
  4. Nice mate... Don't know why I never read before. Some brilliant pics too looks like you have a very nice life. Looking forward to the rest
  5. Loads of kit for the money and a 7 year warranty.. I drive The Sportage 3 , though I may well change it next year I'd get another Kia in a heartbeat but I'm not too sure yet.
  6. Bless you my son 🤣🤣🤣
  7. There's been some brilliant PK Rippers on over summer Lol https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232810271029 Always wanted an original Kuwaraha ET myself and like a prick a few summer's ago half pissed I bid on one from Australia and won.. I woke up in the morning to a "Pay Now" notification (it worked out at something crazy like £2k) I got out of it though and said my kids were messing with my phone.. WTF the things you do pissed reminiscing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. Lol I re-made that one myself with all the classic parts (can buy on E Bay etc) been on the local BMX track with my lads for a laugh on it too though I nearly killed myself round the track on the first jump 🤣🤣 Saw someone on an original Raleigh Chopper the other day and it got me thinking 🤔🤣🤣 You'd be surprised the classic bikes go for small fortunes now.
  9. Got that late 80s soul vibe to it (but a newish track) Got me reminiscing of a time long ago.. Love it when music does that 😍😍
  10. Seen Kevin and Perry in Ibiza once 🤣🤣 The Thai V Loggers get on my tits TBH self important nobodies (though I don't think Geoff Carter seemed that way, still not my thing.
  11. Keep meaning to drive down there , but never get round to it. Looks nice
  12. Lol No I meant I'm also "Checking out what is on offer" as you said in your post 🤣🤣🤣 Please no Bob not the first spat in history on here 555
  13. How do u like a post on here lads? Using mobile default version 😄
  14. Lol Nice one how you doing mate.. Was gonna have a fresh name,but thought ah well gone with this one for so long it'll do .. Look forward to seeing some of the pics if you put them on here .
  15. How's it going lads ? Good to see a load of names and faces I know and don't know.. Hope it's gonna be a place of good info etc.. Nice one Tommy and Lanza . All the best
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