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Everything posted by Washedup

  1. The oxford vaccine cant come soon enough..game changer for the world 👍
  2. Anyone in the UK seen the new Ryanair tv add..JAB&GO!..flew once with them, never again
  3. The oxford vaccine to be rolled out on January 4th..sports stadiums to be used for mass vaccination..cant come soon enough
  4. Looking at the weather forecast..I think you'll be in for a bit more next couple of days 👍
  5. Medics plead with Britons to stay at home this NYE..good luck with that..think it'll be Thailand in 2022 at this rate
  6. Russia admits to worlds third worst covid 19 death toll..more than 186,000 Russians have died due to coronavirus..
  7. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS trust says it declared an internal incident at queen Elizabeth hospital as a precautionary step due to the high number of covid-positive patients..
  8. Englands hospitals have more covid patients than ever before with London teetering on the edge.. i can see England going into lockdown this week, hate to think what the numbers will be like next week when the mixing at Christmas comes into play. Better Hold fast
  9. The way things are going if I can get a trip to Thailand in December I'll be happy..itll be trips to the highlands of Scotland and the Netherlands in the meantime...haggis whiskey and magic truffles in that order
  10. US..California hospitals rapidly running out of room..Survey : many Californians ignoring health warnings.. UK..paramedics in London are now receiving almost 8000 call outs a day with Saturday described as one of London ambulance service's busiest in history..
  11. Having a coffee, staying up to watch silence of the lambs, watched it loads of times..
  12. California getting hit..some hospitals forced to treat patients in parking lot tents..its bloody good job its sunny..
  13. Great news in the morning papers on the oxford vaccine..millions to receive oxford jab from January 4th..efficacy now being reported on par with the Pfizer and moderna..this jab will be really helpful to the 3rd world countries. A chink of light on the horizon..
  14. Its blowing a gale and bouncing down up on the pennines
  15. Well I'm hoping its October anything before will be a bonus
  16. Flooding in a pandemic...it doesn't get much worse
  17. Any BM's affected..luckily for me not in a flood risk area..
  18. A merry Christmas to everyone..although I've just been wished a happy new year from my elderly Irish neighbour..she hits the sherry late afternoon 👍
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