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Advanced Stage 5
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Everything posted by Trip

  1. I think eddie now has his eye on Cambodia. Word is that Steady has been offered shares in a bar on Street 136 in PP.
  2. You've done well keeping your demons in check. Perhaps time to consider a trip to Pattaya. It's not like staying there is Blighty is doing much for you and you're not alone, just google Youtube and Steady Eddie. I doubt there is much you can do in the UK that you cannot do in Pattaya and there is much more on offer in Pattaya than the UK.
  3. One of those movies from that era like The Outlaw Josie Wales that I could watch every month and still be entertained.
  4. Never knew Karen Carpenter was a highly regarded drummer ...
  5. Lol, yeah that drummer either knows the best joke around or he knows where she's gone. For me, this performance is the definition of cool 70s live performances, back in the day when music was made by musicians. It's almost like Withers is oozing cool instead of sweat.
  6. I dunno, but I think you like packing best.
  7. True, one of my pet peeves, people hijacking threads going on rants ... wait a minute.
  8. Many people tend to think of richest person in the world as someone like Musk, Bezos, etc. I think that If it's not Putin then it might be the Pope, at least the Catholic church any way.
  9. As the Super Bowl was winding down, there was some commercial that zipped by the screen which as far as I could tell was something about; he gets us. I wasn't paying enough attention but I thought it was something religious related, about Jesus or something like that. Suddenly one of the guys at the table I was at made a comment of how quickly feminism/#MeToo, etc., was replaced by multi-genders anyone can be a woman, we can't define a woman. He said it might be because the MeToo lobby finally realized that to old farts # doesn't mean hashtag but rather pound. lol, never thought of it that way, but makes some sense and now I cannot stop thinking of it that way.
  10. We used to jump ramps with it. Didn't last long after that so went to the Honda which had for that time 'advanced' suspension.
  11. That's my understanding as well. A couple of friends in the bar business in Thailand that also serve food have told me that they could give away the food and that the booze most customers go through while eating more than makes up for it. In other words, for these guys any way, the food is a loss leader and device to keep folks drinking in the place. Same fellows say that often in Thailand the difference between a money making or losing operation is the landlord and lease arrangements.
  12. Different strokes different folks. I grieve for the sentient lettuce though. Yeah, wouldn't pay near that asking price and it does look tarted up. I would pay up to $1000 for a good survivor if I could find one near me. I think it'd be a nice living room conversation piece, but then I keep a restored 1972 Honda Mini trail 50cc there as it is. Still miss my Heathkit ...
  13. In the sticks where I grew up; hunting is a way of life. Our credo was more or less don't brandish a weapon unless you are prepared to use it; shoot to kill, and eat what you kill. Everyone I grew up with was taught how to use weapons about the same time they started riding bicycles without training wheels. It's still that way today. But back to childhood toys, still my favorite bicycle and they can bring thousands these days for survivors in good condition.The below Schwinn Stingray is on offer on ebay for $4795.
  14. We called them Klackers. Responsible for more childhood injuries than lawn darts.
  15. Yeah, electric. They vibrated their way across the table.
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