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Everything posted by misteregg

  1. If you want some food let me know
  2. All John has to do is ask
  3. The old Secrets hotel is open on 1 November, not SHA plus. The new name is SNA Inn. The contact number is 033641388
  4. Don’t worry, I won’t be going there 555
  5. New editions to the menu include fried rice and home made hamburger with beetroot salad
  6. Latest staff photos taken on Wednesday. No alcohol yet, but a customer rang the bell . Thanks
  7. Bad news mate. Hope you can make it soon
  8. If it was cash then the lawyer would remain silent. Thai legal system all about face.
  9. I had the unfortunate experience of watching the Triller Show featuring Evander Holyfield two weeks ago. Somebody please stop these virus shows.
  10. Yes, me no speak da Engrit. We open midday.
  11. I used to live in this Diahatsu HiJet van for about 18 months. Was a great time and I saved a ton of money. Didn’t like speed bumps.
  12. Yes, from my bar, but I did enjoy it. Mini fish and chips and curry sauce.
  13. PS, I painted the walls cream, at least, the girls did.
  14. Just a quick reminder, we are still open and the staff are together. Many people have commented on other platforms that I should have shut the bar, gone home and made the girls get other jobs. Sad when you see happy photos like this, taken Sunday. We look forward to seeing you all when we open. Hopefully we’ll all be together still. Hope it’s soon. Phil
  15. Sorry for the late late late response. I open till 7:00pm for deliveries
  16. I was asked by the family to livestream Callum’s funeral. I do have clearer audio of the speeches in English if anyone wants to hear them.
  17. Yes, things are bad here, but I’ve never given up and believe with some dedication and hard work I can bring the business round when we allow tourism back.
  18. Egg salad sub with a dressing of your choice. Delivered 80฿
  19. It is very very thick, made with fresh ingredients. Not a huge portion, but served with a bread roll fills you up.
  20. Hi 247 . Here is today’s special Cream of ham and mushroom soup. Home made with fresh cream 160฿. For delivery 0908201125
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