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Everything posted by Mrmango

  1. Thanks for that link, but alas, its behind the pay firewall.
  2. Maybe somebody here with my pet peeve with Windows. When I visit a news site and click on a story. what pops up is a pic/video first, then underneath it is the verbiage of the story. As I scroll down to read it, the pic relocates to the lover right of the screen and often covers up parts of the story. I then must hit "close" to get rid of the picture. Is there any way to stop this?
  3. The problem with comparing fuel to power is the fuel price includes all kinds of taxes for roadworks etc. and electricity has no fees for such.
  4. Ok, that mean that if you are using 110V then you get 2-3 miles per hour of charge..... Kind of like watching fly's f**k.
  5. Ok. I modify my post - Rather than a few weeks to fully charge, maybe half of that time.
  6. It would take weeks to fully charge the main battery of an electric car with a household extension cord.
  7. Mrmango


    Can you give me the YT address so I can watch it pls?
  8. AKA Dan White - Harvey Milk....
  9. I asked you an honest and serious question - Why is it so hard to answer?
  10. A serious question - I assume that they are recent pics - Why are not their any homeless there? I would think it would be ideal for them - bathrooms, lots of space to pitch a tent and room to spread out.
  11. I assume that you are not being sarcastic, so let me clarify my statement. I buy wheat bran at the health food store, put 3-4 tablespoons in a glass, and add juice to liquefy it.
  12. Many years ago, I had emergency surgery to repair a hernia that damaged my colon. I was told to drink 4 tablespoons of wheat bran with juice every day and ever since I am never constaped (except when I took the opioids')
  13. The problem for opioids that are used for surgery is that they cause constipation. I had bladder cancer and after taking opioids for pain for a few days, I had to go to the ER to get an Enema! Never again will I take them.
  14. Nice! I too have owned a 944 and a S2. Great cars! I put about 250K miles on the 944 with minimum maintaince but the Rolls was a different story.
  15. From what I have been told and read, there are at least 2 types of prostrate cancer. The most common one is the one you describe, but there is a type that is very aggressive and fast spreading that can kill you quickly.
  16. From what little I have read, he did have some very successful investments early on, which generated capital to start a Bitcoin exchange/broker. He probably bought coin in the early days when it was almost free, so having coin go up to $68,000 US$ would generate billions by itself. He had apparently several hundred ventures going, which in itself will guarantee doom IMHO.
  17. Lets be real - The price of Bitcoin has dropped about 10% over the last few days, and nobody with a net worth of 16 billion is going broke if that is his only investment.
  18. I gave a friend who is an A & E, 10% of my Cessna 310, and he did all of the maintenance including the 100 hour and the annual inspection for nothing. He, of course, used the bird occasionally.
  19. Count me as one of them, I bought a few coins several years ago and planned to hold them for at least a decade. I did cash out some a year ago to buy a house in Vegas, but I have no plans to sell the rest.
  20. Welcome to my neighborhood! When both of us on in town, lets get together for a beer! (But not at the infamous "Gentleman's Clubs" that cost thousands of US$ a night...
  21. Kind of like the old sae: You don't need a parachute to skydive. You only need one if you want to skydive twice....
  22. ANY maintenance done on an airplane must be signed off by a certified A&E. If his/her work was at fault, then they are complicit.
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