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Everything posted by AJSP

  1. Tier 2 for us tomorrow so see what difference that makes - May have a 👀
  2. Thanks for all the comments so far folks - sitting in a cold, damp lockdown Bristol we need something to look forward too
  3. After swimming this evening - the boy wanted a Double Rustler Burger 😎
  4. I've been thinking about booking for the mid/end July 2021 which some may say is optimistic but I believe will be achievable. In what format that maybe and at what level of hassle factor is more of a question mark. I'm hoping it will be just a fit to fly permit pus insurance, but what will be will be. My wife is keen to get back to see family and i really fancy a nice long break as we missed out on any holidays these last 9 months We normally fly direct with EVA Air (last 5 years) and prior to that a mixture of Thai and Eva. At present, EVA are coming in very dear compared to the other two so I am considering reverting to Thai or choosing, perhaps a non direct middle eastern airline. Feck knows what's happening with THAI Air but I would imagine they would be back flying in 8 months time and bailout by the govt. Never flown with BA but understand they fly with a Dreamliner, so could be an option. Just wondered if any sage BM's would offer thoughts.......
  5. After a large lunch and not a lot of movement other than on the sofa, just cheese and biscuits tonight. With maybe a few mini nice pies for After’s - diet goes to ratshit at weekends
  6. Interestingly and you maybe able to confirm this but my next door neighbour office is in central london right near The Ned, and the last few weeks he’s said the restaurants are jam packed like it was before COVID and it’s back to normal - is this your experience!?
  7. Starter of Garlic Pizza ( to share 😎) at Gigi’s in Glastonbury
  8. Just picked up my son from last day of term and he wanted fish n chips for lunch so here is his lunch
  9. Keep going. I decided back in April to lose some timber, in part due to our UK wide lockdown and also to get a bit healthier- I weighed 124.4kg and over the next 3 months worked hard on diet, excercise and no booze. I went down to 104kgs, so a loss of 20kgs which I have managed to keep off since the summer although if I binge eat at weekends it increases to 106, but then reduces back to 104 in the week. you’ll feel a million times better once you’ve shed a bit more.
  10. I remember that as I was into football then plus collected all the Espana 82 coins whilst on holiday with my family. RIP he made that WC for me
  11. Looks my kinda roast. Spuds n beef look exactly how I like it. Nice to see a ‘snip on the plate as well 👍
  12. Yes my Mrs alerted this to me earlier and I saw the report on UM. Sad sad sad they did catch the bloke but lost life’s 😥
  13. A Bristol Legend passes. Star Wars (amongst other roles ) actor Dave Prowse passed away in Croydon. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55117704
  14. Gosh, Kabaddi I remember watcing that moreso out of curiosity but Thanks for the memory it’s certainly an obscure one!
  15. Formula 1 and Sailing are tough to watch. an obscure sport I occasionally like is curling...🤔🤔 sorry for TF.
  16. Looks very much like my local chinky ones. Not had fir a while so perhaps on the menu for Saturday 👍
  17. I did hear Stuart Pearce say on TalkSport earlier that he thought Maradona was one of the worlds best every players and he realised this once he’d got over the Hand of God incident which I thought was a nice compliment
  18. If you went to school in the 1970's and early 80's we had this - twas like tracing paper
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