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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. Just found this up on YT. Free... OMG "Hell Or High Water"
  2. Rain threatening. Watching the clouds with anticipation. Will also watch Mississippi Burning again. Great flick.
  3. One of my first jobs was pumping gas for a bloke who owned a Mobil service station. The guy looked like Santa Claus who just ate out an elephants ass. One early Sunday morning I was working, hungover to the gills. I was filling up some old girls car, took her money and went inside to make change. I looked up and she had backed up ripping the hose out of the pump. Gas was shooting out of the pump at full pressure. It was not a pleasant day.
  4. One year I cut down beer intake. I'd guesstimate about 8 beers/week reduction = roughly 150 x 8 = 1,200 calories. Watched my carbs and worked out regulary. Lost 40 pounds in 1 year. I have pretty much kept it off ever since. Not ever gonna quit beer completely. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
  5. They forgot to hose down your toilet, which fcuked up everything.
  6. Very glad to see you are coming around Gal !
  7. Fcuking scum. Just think of the people that could have been helped with that dosh. That level of waste is beyond comprehension. Sickening.
  8. I have a beer cut off valve. After about 4 of them I don't want anymore. The calories are burned off the next day with my bike ride and lifts in the gym (4 or 5 times a week). Occassionally take a 5 day break. All seems to keep me in reasonable balance, and enables me to enjoy some brews. Getting super loaded is rare. But, every now and then a little extra is managable. Like today.
  9. After my workout today gonna get loaded. Smoke up here is still awful. Yesterday it was rated as 4th worst in the World. Seems no let up i sight. Rain scattered and seems to keep missing us. Dog forsaken shit.
  10. Nicely done mate. I have a four egg monster planned for tomorrow. I think I will pick up some fresh mushrooms today to throw in, along with some chopped up ham and cheese. Probably fry up some taters as well. Need to prepare my list.
  11. I remember that period well. well get it ? 😛
  12. I don't shake the grog until 10 or 11. And I always keep my gas can full.
  13. I have minimal empathy for these guys. Sure the negative financial impact can be devestating. But, I would rather live a lower standard of living with my dignity intact than to waste the rest of my precious years feeding some hog. Somehow, someway in my early years I recognized within myself that the odds of surviving a marraige was very low. I was able to adjust the emotional governor somehow. As the years passed I witnessed more and more of the marraige carnage which reinforced the recognition that I was wise with my choices (at least in that respect). At my age and time in life now I appreciate even more the vision I had as a young man. No doubt there are challenges, but most days are good even considering. The other option surely would have resulted in sheer misery.
  14. Early bird catches the worm. My average wake up time lately has been 6 am.
  15. You have great caloric balance mate. 555555555555555
  16. I'd give up my nephiews left nut if he still has one for a bunch of rain. In fact, it is thundering like hell here now but still no rain.
  17. How does Trump manage to get through a long day in court? DEPENDS!
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