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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. You were hosed with dodgy building stuff that is difficult or overlooked on initial inspections. Similar to what happened in my condo with the installment of the low grade piping that was hidden behind the walls. Fcuking cnuts I would strangle the moth#r fcukers if I could get my hands on them. You've already changed out the piping. Change out the furnace with a quality one. You won't regret it. Also.... when it comes to furnaces there is a significant safety factor. Get a carbon monoxide alarm also, might save your life one day. I have one in my house even though I don't have a furnace. CO2 can come from a variety of sources and creep up on you without you having a clue. Nighty night..... forever.
  2. It's Saturday. I'm gonna get fcuked up today !
  3. Just released. I had to throw this in here.... Painting from a place I stayed for a few months when living in VT6 during covid....
  4. ^^^^^ Again, well said. People should read the environment, the circumstances, the body language and/or if there is one or more present. When walking past an individual a quick respectful nod of the head is reasonable. Trying to say something funny is probably not a good idea as they could be focused on something. When they are in groups they can be completely unpredictable (just walk past normally and soberly, don't look like a moron). Out of sight, out of mind. Not really wise to bring any attention to yourself, period. But, there are times where eye contact is made, a repsectful acknowledgement is appropriate. All of this really comes down to personal awareness, basic respect for others, and COMMON SENSE.
  5. So true.... dirty, stinking, and rotten to the core bankers. The lowest of the low.....
  6. These guys a great ! What else can you say ?
  7. ^^^^ Cheers on this. I am now writing him off. He's toast. Fool
  8. "China Grove" A huge great rock classic. It put the Doobies on the map.
  9. My fav. B-52 song. "Roam" Man, she has some pipes ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OIKorvALo4
  10. "Who's That Lady" - Isley Brothers. Incredible guitar solo.
  11. Sure made my tounge stiff ! 5555555555555555 !
  12. Is that a "gay" drink" ? 555555 1
  13. Saw it when I was 16 also. Was tripping my brains out. Saw my first porno it that same the theartre -"Eruption". The place was an old fashioned type, in East Chicago Heights, Il. (Ghtteo) I think seeing those two movies back to back is why I am still so fcuked up.
  14. ^^^^^ Good stuff there Still. Excellent diet and health food. I am sure it tasted great as well. Now.... just don't fcuk it up with an ice cream snudae and 5 Guiness. 5555555555555555555 !!!
  15. You'll be clean as a whistle. Then the next day back to a half pound of bacon and a 12 pack of Molson. 55555 ! Just teasing you mate. Hope it all goes well.
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