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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. Yep.... I always feel great after a good workout and soaking wet bike ride. Sweating out all the poisons. Then rinse, drink beer, sleep good and get up and do it again. If I don't workout I sleep like absolute shit.
  2. I got burned with a booking on a hotel in Hua Hinn a couple years ago (booking.com). Thankfully it was for only one night. Went to the hotel to sort it out but the bitch (claimed to be the daughter of the owner of the hotel) would have nothing to do with it. I can't remember in the past five years being as pissed off as I was that day. These hotel booking sites are pure scum. I refuse to use them anymore. ----------------- This is why i almost always stay at the same place in Pattaya and Bangkok. And why typically I will find hotels in a particular area and book directly with ones I have had good experiences with. I also will only book for one or two nights initially. Then once I am there extend the time directly at the hotel.
  3. Glasseye


    ^^^^ Here I am 65 yoa. Spending time and getting into the Revenge of the Nerds talent show competition. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
  4. Funny... After I posted that I thought to myself that it seems like many of the "alledged" scammers we see in the news are of the female species. But, I got too busy looking up Revenge of the Nerds to correct myself.
  5. Glasseye


    Revenge of the Nerds.... Great movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdVdNLJiJuc
  6. A small deposit like that is typical when setting up an ACH transfer between two accounts. Usually there will be two small amounts deposited. Then for the connecting account you enter those deposit amounts as part of the veryfication process (link). --------------- Lately I have been getting text messages for a package delivery. Went to the friggen post office in blistering heat to find out it was a scam attempt. There were several of them but they stopped. Guy at the post office confirmed it, he starts to chuckle says... "There is a lot of scamming going on in Thailand". I started to laugh, I said "Shit, there is a lot of scamming going on everywhere". We both busted out laughing. I think I made the guys day as he was sweating his balls off sorting packages. I'd cut the balls off of any or these mother fcukers doing these scams. Despicable pieces of shit. They take advantage of poor folks, vulnerable, etc. Really boils my blood.
  7. Just go somewhere like Full L*ve INN and rotate girls throughout the night. He'd forget about getting scammed right quick.
  8. Yep... This upcoming bill will be low for me since I was away for most of that billing cycle. But the next bill will be a real eye popper. Gonna be a huge contrast. I've got three AC units going heavy 24/7. Had a new one installed a few months back and the others checked and cleaned. They did a real good job on them. A big power outage would be a real kick in the gonads. I'd have to go rent a room. Seems like forever until the rains come. Fcuk !
  9. Holy Cow that chicken looks good. Dipped in that sauce.... oh my.
  10. I have a policy to never again attend a wedding or funeral (I've been to too many of them already. Fcuk it). But, to be able to enjoy the chow and not go. You've earned my highest level of respect !
  11. I've been in some hell holes in my time, but yeah..... 220 a night. Even if you found the place you'd probably have to shit out in the parking lot.
  12. Cheers. Can't see how anyone who is involved directly in war would not be affected.
  13. This isn't WWII stuff. But a really interesting story and well produced. Some of you guys may like it. I am halfway through it. "The Giant Killer"
  14. Glasseye


    I don't know, but sure sounds kinky....
  15. 555555555555 ! Fcuk me. I may never eat yogurt again. You b*stard ! 🤪
  16. Glasseye


    Yep.... Those days are over. I was able to give away a great deal of stuff, but you never know what will happen to it. The return $ on 95 % of it is minimal. It's as much about time and release of emotional attachments. It's a process. Once you come to grips with it can be liberating.
  17. Yep. In actuality most dogs will act out that way. Can't blame them really.
  18. You are a stud mate. I wouldn't last more than 15 minutes in this heat. Fcuk me man, it's 103 f up here !
  19. This not just a basic gripe session complaining that I am hotter than a dehydrated noodle in a spicy ramen bowl. I have never come close to experiencing a period of heat, humidity and smoke like this. Very little of anything is moving out there. This must have a significant negative impact on the Thai economy and the peoples mindset in general. Beginning next week I will head out on my bike before 1000 hrs. I will have a wad of 20's and 100's and I will be looking for targets that I might be able to help, even if for something simple as a cold drink. Fcuk, I don't know what else I can do.
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